HeinOnline is constantly being updated to include new features to help researchers have the best possible experience. Users can now email selected catalog search results. This new feature is perfect for sharing title lists with students and colleagues. Accounts that are properly branded with proxy information can receive both direct links and proxy links. Don’t have a branded account? Read more about branding in this recent blog post.
How to Email Catalog Search Results
When searching in HeinOnline, the search bar remains stationary throughout the database. The Catalog search tab can be used to locate items at the publication level and searches across all MARC records in the catalog. Conduct a search using the Catalog tab for abortion AND law.

Within the search results, choose the titles desired to be emailed by checking the boxes on the left side of the list. Additionally, choose Email Selected Results from the drop-down box and click Save/Email.

Next, fill in the provided box to enter one or more emails. Users also have the option to include a name for the email, as well as a note.

Once users send the email, a box pops up allowing them to log into their MyHein account to save the results. If users are already logged into their MyHein account, the results will automatically save under the tag email.

The selected results are immediately emailed to the address(es) provided. Listed below is an example of what the email looks like.

As noted earlier, if an account is properly branded with proxy information, the email sent will include both direct HeinOnline links and proxy links. Therefore, if the recipient of the email is off-campus, he or she can use the proxy link to view the title listings.
If you have questions about this enhancement, or about searching and navigating in HeinOnline, please contact our dedicated support team at (800) 277-6995, email us, or chat with us!