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New Subcollection Available in the Foreign & International Relations Database!


December is Universal Human Rights Month which honors the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), an international document adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. HeinOnline is proud to partner with the International Human Rights Law Institute (IHRLI) to enhance the Foreign & International Law Resources Database. A brand-new subcollection featuring publications from the IHRLI is now available at no additional charge to subscribers!

This essential organization is committed to protecting the human rights of all people on a global level and educating future legal professionals about the means and methods of doing so. IHRLI meets this commitment through the implementation of innovative human rights projects around the world and through the offering of a wide range of opportunities to study international human rights law, international criminal law, and international humanitarian law.

This new HeinOnline subcollection, which is Part VII of the Foreign & International Law Resources Database, also contains dozens of titles, including:

Noteworthy Content

Featured in this subcollection is M. Cherif Bassiouni, the founding member of the IHRLI. He is often referred to as ‘the Godfather of International Criminal Law’ and known for his expertise in war crimes. He authored 14 of the new titles added to this subcollection, including:

More Information

The Foreign & International Law Resources Database (FILRD) is the most comprehensive online collection for the international law researcher. With HeinOnline’s FILRD, researchers are able to easily search or browse online through the treasures of some of the world’s best international law titles, from the in-depth coverage of publications of the American Society of International Law and prominent yearbooks from around the world to the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series and the publications of dozens of other highly respected publishers. Altogether, this library contains nearly 500 titles and more than 2,000,000

As with other HeinOnline content, the Foreign and International Law Resources Database contains documents from inception in an image-based PDF and fully-searchable format. This ensures the authenticity of the original document, saving research time and enhancing the value of this collection to the legal community.

This database is presented in seven parts:

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For more information regarding a free trial or quote to this a-la-carte database, contact your sales representative or Marketing at marketing@wshein.com.

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