Today a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report about Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was released to the public. The report concluded that investigators did not find evidence of conspiracy between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.
Find the Mueller Report in HeinOnline
To read the report in HeinOnline, enter the U.S. Congressional Documents database. Next, click on Other Works Related to Congress.

Select the letter R in the A-Z list and scroll down until you find the title Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election (Redacted).
To search within these volumes, open up a volume and click the magnifying glass. This tool gives the user the option of searching within the section, page, volume, or entire title.

For example, let’s search for any instance where the phrase Trump Tower is mentioned in volume 1. Using the magnifying glass, type “Trump Tower” and choose This Volume from the selection.

Results allow users to view any matching text page which includes the phrase Trump Tower within volume 1.
View both volumes of the Mueller report below.
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