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HeinOnline’s World Constitutions Illustrated: April 2020 Update


Back in January, we updated researchers on the content that was released in the World Constitutions Illustrated database from October 2019 to January 2020. Read below to find out what new documents have been added to this ever-growing database.

Updated from January to Date

Since our last content news update, we have updated 17 countries and added 71 new titles to the World Constitutions Illustrated database.

We will continue to post constitutional content news right here in the HeinOnline blog. Be sure to subscribe to our blog to receive notifications when new posts are published.


Now available is the text of Decree No. 20-03 of January 1, 2020, provided by the Journal Officiel. Having begun the amendment of the Constitution of 1989, the decree concerns the creation of a committee of experts responsible for formulating proposals for revision. Text is provided in Arabic, French, and our own corresponding translation.

Flag of Algeria


Now available:

  • A current translation of the Constitution of 1995 in French, provided by the National Assembly. We previously added the Armenian and Russian texts and the English translation in 2015-2017.
  • Armenian, English, and Russian consolidated texts of the Constitution of 1995 as amended to 2005, as provided by the Ministry of Justice. The current text is as amended to 2015.
Flag of Armenia


We have added the official Spanish texts of the Constitution of 1980, as codified in 2005, and amended by Law No. 21.200 as of December 23, 2019. Additionally, we have added our own current translation correspondingly.

Flag of Chile


We added the text of the amending law of December 26, 2019 for the Constitution of 1991 from the Offices of the Presidency and the current consolidated text from the Ministry of Justice. Additionally, we have updated our own current translation correspondingly.

Flag of Colombia


We have added the Finnish and Swedish texts of the four amending laws to the Constitution of 1999/2000 from the Official Gazette (Suomen Säädöskokoelma / Finlands Författningssamling).

Flag of Finland


We have added:

  • The German text of the amending law of November 15, 2019 from Bundestag and the Federal Ministry of Justice to the Basic Law of 1949, from the Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt).
  • 20 documents from the period 1983 to 2010. We were previously current from 2012 to 2019. Next month we will add those from 1951 to 1976.

Additionally, we have begun a process of adding a complete collection of amending laws to the Basic Law of 1949 from the Bundesgesetzblatt.

Flag of Germany


We have added:

  • The December 12, 2019 amended Hungarian text to the Fundamental Law of 2011/2012 from the Magyar Közlöny and the Parliament.
  • The current English translation of the Ministry of Justice.
  • The consolidated text of the Fundamental Law of 2011/2012 as amended to 2018, and as in force on October 15, 2018, provided by the Constitutional Court.
  • Several consolidated texts from various provisions of the 2018 reform entered into force on different dates.
Flag of Hungary


Now available is the text of the amending law of the Constitution of 1921 by the Constitutional Law of November 9, 2018, as in force on March 1, 2019. The current consolidated text is available in both German and English.

Flag of Liechtenstein


Now available are the current texts in Lithuanian and English of the Constitution of 1992 as amended to 2019 from the Lithuanian parliament, the Seimas.

Flag of Lithuania


We have added the December 6, 2019 amendment to the Constitution of 1868, concerning the composition and sittings of the Constitutional Court. Included is the text of the amending law from the Journal Officiel in French, the current text of the Ministry of State, and our own updated current translation correspondingly.

Flag of Luxenbourg


Now available is the amended Constitution of 1964, amended for the second time in 2019 by Act XXV of July 19, 2019. We have included the text of the amending law from the Government Gazette, and the current text of the Ministry of Justice, both in English and Maltese.

Flag of Malta


We have added:

  • The amended Spanish text of the Constitution of 1917, amended by decree published in the official gazette (Diario Oficial) of December 20, 2019.
  • Our corresponding current translation of the Constitution of 1917, as well as the consolidated text of the National Juridical Order.
  • The amended text of the Constitution of 1917, amended by decree published in the Diario Oficial of March 6, 2020. The amending law is now included, together with the consolidated texts of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Powers of the Federation.
Flag of Mexico

New Zealand

Now available are 16 reprints of various laws concerning constitutional matters as made available by the Parliamentary Counsel Office. These include the current updates to the following:

  • Intelligence and Security Act, 2017
  • Judicial Review Procedure Act, 2016
  • District Court Act, 2016
  • Crown Entities Act, 2004
  • Local Government Act, 2002
  • Electoral Act, 1993
  • Human Rights Act, 1993
  • Privacy Act, 1993
  • Te Ture Whenua Maori / Maori Land Act, 1993
  • Public Finance Act, 1989
  • State Sector Act, 1988
  • State-Owned Enterprises Act, 1986
  • Official Information Act, 1982
  • Citizenship Act, 1977
  • Ombudsmen Act, 1975
  • The Treaty of Waitangi Act, 1975
Flag of New Zealand


We have added the text of the recent amending law to the Constitution of 1914 —Resolution of January 7/31, 2020 at Section 63. Included is the text of the amending law from the Norsk Lovtidend in Norwegian Nynorsk, and the current text of the Ministry of Justice in Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian Bokmål, and English.

Flag of Norway


Now available is the French text to the Constitution of 1976 as amended by Law No. 1/2005, the 7th Revision, provided by the Parliament. This French text now complements the Portuguese and English texts already residing within the collection.

Flag of Portugal


We have added the English and Romansch texts of the Constitution of 1999/2000 as in force on January 1, 2020. These texts were recently made available by the Federal Council.

Flag of Switzerland

United Kingdom

Now available is the current consolidated text of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act, Chapter 16 of 2018, as amended by the most recent Act, Chapter 1 of 2020, adopted by Parliament on January 23, 2020.

Flag of the United Kingdom

Stay tuned for our next update!

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