With the March content release, we added 11 new journals, nine of which are active serials. Join us as we take a closer look at each of the new titles and the type of content they cover.
Canadian Tax Journal
Full Text: Vols. 1-65 (1953-2017)
Indexed: Vols. 1-67 (1953-2019)
Published by the Canadian Tax Foundation
The Canadian Tax Journal, first published in 1953, is the flagship research publication of the Canadian Tax Foundation. Published quarterly, it is relied on by policy analysts, accountants, lawyers, economists, business persons, and politicians as a multidisciplinary resource for the analysis and interpretation of tax law, economics, and public finance in Canada.
The main articles are peer reviewed by members of an editorial board made up of tax practitioners and university faculty members. Regular features of the journal include “Current Cases,” “Personal Tax Planning,” “International Tax Planning,” “Selected U.S. Tax Developments,” “Corporate Tax Planning,” and “Current Tax Reading.” Articles in the “Policy Forum” section are commissioned by the “Policy Forum” editor, and are usually opinion pieces designed to stimulate debate on hot-button issues relevant to tax practitioners.
Journal of Global Rights and Organizations
Vols. 1-9 (2009-2019)
Title Varies: Vols. 1-3 (2009-2013) as Impunity Watch Annual Review; Vols. 4-8 (2014-2018) as Impunity Watch Law Journal
Published by Syracuse University College of Law
The Journal of Global Rights and Organizations is run by students at the Syracuse University College of Law. Founded in 2007 by retired Professor David M. Crane L’80, the founding Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, this biennial academic journal focuses on legal developments before regional courts. Publishing cutting-edge coverage of cases before regional rights bodies, the journal focuses on six core rights areas: (1) the right to life; (2) freedom of thought and belief; (3) freedom of expression; (4) the right to education; (5) the cross-cutting theme of disability rights; and (6) equal protection.
Journal of Human Rights
Vols. 1-18#3 (2002-2019)
Title Varies: Vols. 1-13 (2002-2014) as Human Rights
Published by the China Society for Human Rights Studies
This journal seeks to promote the study of human rights in China, as well as promote dialogue on human rights between China and other countries around the world. Encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, Journal of Human Rights touches on related areas such as law, sociology, history, economics, politics, and philosophy. Published and supervised by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and edited by the Institute for Human Rights, this journal provides a forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work on human rights issues.
Journal of Law, Policy & Military Affairs (JLPMA)
Vol. 1 (2019)
Published by the Center for Law and Military Policy
The Journal of Law, Policy & Military Affairs is a peer-edited annual journal that addresses the legal and policy issues facing service members and veterans. Published by the Center for Law and Military Policy, the journal is the only independent academic platform for military-related scholarship. Articles published by JPLMA are objective, unbiased, and grounded in reflection, thoughtfulness, and reform.
Journal of Liberty and International Affairs (JLIA)
Vols. 1-5 (2015-2020)
Published by the Institute for Research and European Studies
The Journal of Liberty and International Affairs is a triannual international peer-reviewed journal in the social sciences. Geared towards informing policymakers and social workers while also engaging students, the journal covers topics of interest in political science, international relations, and international law, but also seeks to provide a quality interdisciplinary platform of debate for scholars and researchers on complementary disciplines, including social sciences and economics. It is important to emphasize that this journal devotes special attention to Europe and the European Union, and relevant contemporary international affairs—particularly that of the Balkans, and especially the attitude of the Balkan countries towards European integration. While seeking to stimulate interest in and understanding of liberty and international affairs, the journal does not seek to promote any particular policies or approaches.
Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy Online
Vol. 29 Articles 1-2 (2019-2020)
Published by the University of Kansas, School of Law
In March of 1990, five University of Kansas law students formed the Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, a new legal publication at the School of Law, to meet two goals: (1) to prompt policymakers and scholars to address issues left unaddressed in traditional legal scholarship publications; and (2) to foster a broad notion of diversity in these public policy debates. Originally conceived as a tool to explore how the law shapes public policy and vice versa, the journal has provided a forum for the discussion of public policy for decades as a print publication. A supplement to the print version, the Journal Online features high-caliber, short pieces focused on timely public policy issues.
Lakehead Law Journal (LLJ)
Vols. 1-3#1 (2015-2019)
Published by Lakehead University, Faculty of Law
The Lakehead Law Journal is a refereed biannual journal supported by the Faculty of Law at Lakehead University. Run by an editorial team of both faculty and students, LLJ publishes articles, case comments, book reviews, and book notes on legal issues in Canada. Since its inaugural issue in December of 2015, LLJ has provided a forum for academics, practitioners, and students to develop scholarship in all areas of the legal field. The journal is committed to developing scholarship that engages with their tripartite mandate: (1) to publish research, analysis, and critical commentary on legal issues facing Aboriginal populations; (2) to promote discussion and debate from students, practitioners, and academics on rural, northern, and small firm legal practice; and (3) to publish legal research and analysis that is grounded in the region by focusing on natural resource and environmental law.
New York University Law Review Online
Vols. 87-95 Article 1 (2012-2020)
Published by New York University School of Law
In 2012, New York University School of Law launched the New York University Law Review Online, an online supplement to the print version of the Law Review. Online publishes thesis-driven pieces whose policy or theoretical implications push the public conversation forward in a more vernacular, accessible style than traditional print scholarship. New York University Law Review Online publishes essays from legal scholars and practitioners, comments from current students at NYU, and responses from professors, practitioners, and current law students in the hopes that these pieces will be useful to policymakers, practitioners, or academics by examining current or emerging issues in the law.
Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal
Vols. 1-5 (2015-2019)
Published by the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Procedure (IBRASPP)
Based on constant discussions in study groups, research groups, and scientific seminars, the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Procedure saw a need to develop and refine the scientific understanding of procedural law. For this reason, the Institute launched Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal (Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedural Law) in 2010, a publication that promotes the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge related to criminal procedure. Releasing three issues per year, the journal aims to encourage dialogue between areas of law and the several fields of knowledge related to criminal sciences, including psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology.
Tip of the Month
Have you heard of HeinOnline’s Venn Diagram Search? With this feature, researchers can visualize the results yield of various keywords to better refine their searches, saving valuable time and effort and eliminating the need to continuously edit a search.
Find the tool within the Advanced Search feature of the Law Journal Library. After selecting Venn Diagram Search, users will be redirected to a page with a search bar, instructions for its use, and a few example searches. Search for multiple terms separated with the Boolean operator “AND.”
For example, perform a search using the terms “child,” “labor,” and “rights.” Enter each term into the search bar, separating each with the word “AND.” Click the Search button to bring up a Venn Diagram illustrating the various combinations of those terms and their respective results yield within the Law Journal Library. The original search combining all three terms (child AND labor AND rights) will appear by default, visually represented by the red intersection of all three circles in the diagram.
Users can also view the results of other combinations. Select the Clear button above the diagram to be able to hover over the various options. Users will see that all possible search term combinations are highlighted as the cursor hovers over them. Click one of these highlighted circles or intersections to bring up the results of other combinations.
For example, to view only the results of the terms “child” and “labor,” select Clear and then hover over the intersection between the two terms to see it highlighted in red. Select the red intersection to bring up the results of the search child AND labor in the Law Journal Library.
Law Journal Library LibGuide
For more information on navigating the Law Journal Library, check out the LibGuide! Find search tips, tools, features, training materials, and more.
Check back next month to see what new journals are available and to brush up on your HeinOnline skills!
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