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New Journals Added to HeinOnline: October 2022


With the October content release, we added 13 new journals, 11 of which are active serials. These new journals cover subjects including human rights law, sports law, copyright, comparative and foreign law, and more! Keep reading to learn about our newest titles.

1. Global Sports Policy Review

Vols. 1-2#1 (2020-2022)

Published by Global Sports Policy Review

Subjects: Sports Law, Athletes, Arbitration, Dispute Resolution

Global Sports Policy Review is the first of its kind, a multidisciplinary online sports journal which combines articles addressing the overall sports curriculum and sports policy matters which revolve around trending sports-related issues. It is a blind, peer-reviewed journal and is backed by an advisory and editorial board, together with professional business staff and independent overseers, who are responsible for carrying out day-to-day operations in the field of global sports. They accept research articles from all divisions of scholarly society, as well as students and sports enthusiasts.

2. In Medias Res – A Journal on Press Freedom and the Rules of the Public Sphere

2012-2022 #1

Published by University of Public Service / Wolters Kluwer Hungary

Subjects: Human Rights Law, Legal History, Criminal Law and Procedure, Roman Law

This double-blind, peer-reviewed journal is committed to democratic values, state sovereignty, protecting national traditions, freedom of the media, human dignity, and protecting private property and the common achievements of European constitutionalism. The editors of the journal are lawyers and other researchers dealing with theoretical and practical issues concerning this field. The journal represents an open forum where the academic community and the general audience interested in the topics examined can find noteworthy or even debate-provoking thoughts.

3. Indonesian Journal of Law and Society

Vols. 1-3#1 (2020-2022)

Published by University of Jember, Faculty of Law

Subjects: Comparative and Foreign Law, Human Rights Law, Jurisprudence

The Indonesian Journal of Law and Society is the faculty-edited flagship journal of the Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia. It is a refereed journal, all published papers were under a double-blind peer review by academics and experts in the field. This journal aims to publish scholarly legal discourses on the intersection of law and society. Articles submitted to this journal are on contemporary discourses in the light of theoretical, sociolegal, empirical, and comparative studies.

4. International Investment Law Journal 

Vols. 1-2 (2021-2022)

Published by Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences

Subjects: International Law, Countries, Areas, and Regions, Dispute Resolution

International Investment Law Journal is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access review, which publishes original theoretical and empirical work on the law developed by international organizations, the states through investment treaties (IIAs and TIPs) and the international economic actors. This journal opens its pages to authors from different countries, from the legal education space and from the practitioners of law, encouraging the publication of critical analyses of the evolution of international investment law. The scope of the journal is to create a platform for international legal debates, a bridge between legal scientists around the world. The audience consists of professors, PhD students, students, researchers, and law practitioners.

5. IP Law Book Review

Vols. 1-11#1 (2010-2022)

Published by Golden Gate University, School of Law

Subjects: Intellectual Property Law, Copyright, Business and the Law

The IP Law Book Review is an online, peer-reviewed, and -edited journal that includes reviews of current books on IP law and policy written by leading scholars in the field. The Review is published online twice yearly.

6. LSE Law Review 

Vols. 1-7 (2016-2022)

Published by London School of Economics and Political Science

Subjects: Human Rights Law, International Law, Comparative and Foreign Law

The LSE Law Review is one of the UK’s leading student-edited university law journals. They seek to provide a platform for high-quality legal scholarship, with the aim of contributing to debates pertaining to all areas of the law and to auxiliary sciences. The Editorial Board comprises both current LSE, LLB, and LLM students, as well as alumni editors, many of whom are pursuing or have pursued postgraduate legal studies in leading universities such as Harvard, Columbia, Oxbridge, and LSE itself. The LSE Law Review’s intended audience is both current law students and legal professionals, though they also aim to remain accessible for non-law students or professionals that are interested in their publication.

7. PETITA: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah (PJKIHdS) 

Vols. 1-7#1 (2016-2022)

Published by Faculty of Sharia and Law, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Subjects: Gender and the Law, Islamic Law, Criminal Law and Procedure

PETITA: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah (PJKIHdS) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal which welcomes high-quality, theoretically informed articles on a wide range of areas related to law and sharia research analysis. PJKIHdS has been published by Lembaga Kajian Konstitusi Indonesia (LKKI), Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies, legal theory, legal philosophy, constitutional law, legal debate, socio-legal, and other recent issues relating to case law.

8. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy 

Full Text: Vols. 1-26 (1990-2016)

Indexed: Vols. 1-32#7 (1990-2022)

Published by Taylor & Francis

Subjects: Law Enforcement, Police, Crimes against the Person

Policing & Society is widely acknowledged as the leading international academic journal specializing in the study of policing institutions and their practices. It is concerned with all aspects of how policing articulates and animates the social contexts in which it is located. This includes social scientific investigations of police policy and activity, legal and political analyses of police powers and governance, and management oriented research on aspects of police organization.

9. Political Studies Forum

Vols. 1-3 (2020-2022)

Published by West University in Timisoara, Department of Political Science

Subjects: Human Rights Law, Countries, Areas, and Regions, European Union

Political Studies Forum is an annual open-access, peer-reviewed journal, edited by the Department of Political Science at the West University in Timisoara. They publish research articles, especially in connection to Central and Eastern Europe. They also accept essays, book reviews, and statements based on theoretical argumentations. Previous papers focused on the politics of the European Union, political elites, the dynamics of parties in the context of post-communist societies, and security issues. Relaunched in 2020, the journal intends to enlarge its area of analysis and research, by including subjects concerning social movements, the region’s economic policies, social changes and regional development, as well as international law and international development.

10. Psychology, Crime and Law

Full Text: Vols. 1-22 (1994-2016)

Indexed: Vols. 1-28#9 (1994-2022)

Published by Taylor & Francis Group

Subjects: Evidence, Law Enforcement, Crimes against the Person, Penology

Psychology, Crime & Law promotes the study and application of psychological approaches to crime, criminal and civil law, and the influence of law on behavior. The content includes the aetiology of criminal behavior and studies of different offender groups; crime detection; courtroom studies in areas such as jury behavior, decision making, and expert testimony; behavior of litigants, lawyers, judges, and court officers, both in and outside the courtroom; issues of offender management including prisons, probation, and rehabilitation initiatives; and studies of public, including the victim, reactions to crime and the legal process. It publishes reviews and brief reports which make a significant contribution to the psychology of law, crime and legal behavior. Internationally, Psychology, Crime & Law provides professionals in the areas of forensic-clinical psychology, law, and crime with the very latest cutting-edge research and theory.

11. South East European Law Journal (SEE Law Journal)

Vols. 1-9 (2014-2022)

Published by Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

Subjects: International Law, Civil Law, Comparative and Foreign Law

South East European Law Journal (SEELJ) aims to foster excellence in legal science and education through regional collaboration and European integration. Through its unique composition, South East European Law School Network (SEELS) is bringing together the most renowned academic experts and young scientists in EU Law in the Western Balkans. A pool of reviewers consisting of legal researchers from the SEELS members conduct the double-blind peer review of the papers, and the edition is completely published in the English language. The publication has created an interest in EU-related topics and a useful tool for young academics in the region in their academic development.

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