Summer has officially begun and we’re back with another hot and hefty update to HeinOnline, including updates to more than 70 databases, adding more than 2.1 million pages. See what’s new below and don’t forget to check out our upcoming free webinar where we’ll explore our digital services, providing you with an in-depth look at how they can benefit you.
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Updated databases: 75
New titles: 1,666
New volumes: 3,666
New pages added last month: 2,130,923
Total pages in HeinOnline: 230,323,763

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024
2:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Noah Short, Senior Manager, Digital Production
Lauren Mattiuzzo, Marketing Lead
Major Database Updates
- Law Journal Library: 4 new active serials
- U.S. Congressional Documents:
- 12 congressional documents
- 6 hearings
- 4 committee prints
- Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies: 173 new titles
- Legal Classics: 170 new titles
- History of International Law: 40 new titles
- New York Legal Research Library: 29 new titles
Expand each collection below to discover additional updates, along with our favorite titles from each addition.
We have added 4 new active serials, including:
INVEST Journal of Sharia & Economic Law
Vols. 1-4#1 (2021-2024)
Published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Subjects: Banking and Finance Law; Islamic Law; Financial Law; Business and the Law
INVEST, within the framework of the Islamization of knowledge, offers scientific articles, research reports, reviews, and commentaries in Muamalah studies, aligning economic transactions and interactions with Islamic law, specifically in the fields of Muamalah studies, Islamic law, Islamic philanthropy, Maqhasid Sharia, Halal industry and services, Islamic Economics, Islamic Capital Markets, and Fintech. Its audience includes academics and practitioners in these areas. The Journal is peer-reviewed, with a double-blind review process involving at least two expert reviewers.
Journal of Intellectual Property Studies
Vols. 1-8#1 (2017-2024)
Published by National Law University, Jodhpur
Subjects: Intellectual Property Law; Copyright, International Trade and the Law
The Journal of Intellectual Property Studies was established in 2017. It is a bi-annual, student-edited, double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal. Their mission is to address the gap in academic discourse on intellectual property and related laws in India by providing a platform for in-depth exploration of contemporary developments in this field. The intended audience includes policymakers, practitioners, and scholars involved in intellectual property along with students who are pursuing a degree of law and are either interested in or specializing in this domain. By soliciting articles from a diverse pool of contributors, comprising scholars, practitioners, and students, they aim to foster the exchange of ideas and enhance the discourse on intellectual property rights.
Legal and Criminological Psychology
Full Text: Vols. 1-25 (1996-2020)
Indexed: Vols. 1-29#1 (1996-2024)
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Subjects: Law Enforcement; Evidence; Police, Penology; Sex Crimes
Legal and Criminological Psychology publishes original papers that advance professional and scientific knowledge in conjunction with legal psychology and criminological psychology. This field, constructed as ‘forensic psychology’, is defined broadly as the application of psychology to the understanding of offenders’ behavior, the investigative and judiciary processes that bring them to justice, their treatment, and the outcomes of their criminal actions. The journal aims to stimulate conversations and debates, to serve as a platform for communication amongst various disciplines, academic researchers, professionals, and practitioners, and to provide a compelling picture of current state-of-the-art research in the field.
Legal Issues in the Digital Age
Vols. 1-5#1 (2020-2024)
Published by National Research University Higher School of Economics
Subjects: Science, Technology, and the Law; Intellectual Property Law; Copyright
Legal Issues in the Digital Age is an open-access journal is an academic quarterly e-publication that provides a comprehensive analysis of law in the digital world. The journal is international in scope, and the primary objective of the journal is to address the legal issues of the continually evolving nature of digital technological advances and the necessary immediate responses to such developments. Legal Issues in the Digital Age is a highly professional, double-blind refereed journal and authoritative source of information in the fields of IT, ICT, cyber-related policy, and law. The journal aims to stimulate conversations and debates, to serve as a platform for communication amongst various disciplines, academic researchers, professionals, and practitioners, and to provide a compelling picture of current state-of-the-art research in the field.
Three new titles were added, including:
Encyclopedia of Sports & Games
4v. London: William Heinmann, 1911 new and enl. ed.
Motion Picture Law Digest, including All Court Decisions from 1900 to Date
1v. Los Angeles: [s.n.], 1939
Hartman, Dennis
Three titles were updated and 25 new titles were added, including:
Actas de las Sesiones Preliminares y Reglamentarias Privadas, Reunion de Consulta entre los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de las Republicas Americanas
4v. in 1v. Panama: [Talleres Graficos Panama], 1939
Histoire de la Legislation
11v. Paris: P. Didot L’aine, 1817-1837
Pastoret, Claude Emmanuel Joseph Pierre
One title was updated and 40 new titles were added, including:
Columbia War Papers
17v. New York: Division of Intelligence and Publicity of Columbia University, 1917
Dewey, John
Naturrecht, Oder Philosophie des Rechts und des Staates
2v. Wien: Druck & Verlag von C. Gerold’s Sohn, 1870-1871 6th ed., rev.
Ahrens, Heinrich
One title was updated and 170 new titles were added, including:
American Revolution
2v. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1919
Fiske, John
Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books; with an Analysis of the Work
2v. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1855
Blackstone, William
General Court Held at Boston, in the Year 1668
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1668
Ranson, Edward
Law of Expert Testimony
1v. Philadelphia: Rees Welsh & Co., 1894
Lewis, Evan B.
Treatise on the Law of Review in Criminal Cases
1v. Edinburgh: W. Green, 1877
Moncreiff, Henry
Two titles were updated and 29 new titles were added, including:
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York
2v. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1880
Throop, Montgomery H.
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York, with All Amendments Thereto, down to and including Those Enacted in 1892, Fully and Exhaustively Annotated
3v. New York: Banks & Brothers, 1892-1893
Stover, R. M.
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York, with All Amendments Thereto, down to and including Those Enacted in 1894, Fully and Exhaustively Annotated
3v. New York: Banks & Brothers, 1895 2nd ed.
Stover, R. M.; Parker, Amasa J. Jr.
10 new titles were added, including:
Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire
1v. London: Methuen & Co., 1909
Glover, T. R.
Corpus Juris Canonici
2v. Lipsiae: Sumtibus Bernh. Tauchnitz Jun, 1839
Bohmer, Justus Henning; Richter, Aemilius Ludwig
173 new titles were added, including:
Economic Report of the President
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2024
Report to the President: Strategy for Cyber-Physical Resilience: Fortifying Our Critical Infrastructure for a Digital World
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2024
Women in the Postwar
1v. Washington: War Manpower Commission, 1945
Four titles were updated and 14 new titles were added, including:
International Security in 2045: Exploring Futures for Peace, Security and Disarmament
1v. Geneva: UNIDIR, 2024
Grand-Clement, Sarah
Unregulated: Examining the Global Proliferation of Craft-Produced Weapons
1v. Geneva: UNIDIR, 2024
See below for a breakdown of congressional documents:
12 new congressional documents
6 new congressional hearings
4 new committee prints
Here are some notable titles:
Congressional Documents
Black Americans in Congress, 1870-2022
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 2023
Speeches of Gerrit Smith in Congress
1v. New York: Mason Brothers, 1855
Smith, Gerrit
Congressional Hearings
Creation of the Indian Trust Counsel Authority: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-Third Congress
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1973
Committee Prints
Investigation of Illegal or Improper Activities in Connection with 1996 Federal Election Campaigns: Witness Deposition Testimony, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, Part I of X
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1999
Two titles were updated and six new titles were added, including:
Manual of Industrial and Commercial Intercourse between the United States and Spanish America
1v. San Francisco: The Bancroft Company, 1889
Savage, Thomas, Editor
One new title was added:
Procession to Tyburn: Crime and Punishment in the Eighteenth Century
1v. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1927
McAdoo, William
New LibGuides Added This Month
HeinOnline LibGuides and the database A-Z list are a great way to learn more about database content and interface functionality. While we did not add any new LibGuides this month, we highly recommend these two guides if you are a beginner to HeinOnlnie or want to brush up on your research skills:
ICYMI: HeinOnline Blogs from June
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