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New Journals Added to HeinOnline: August and September 2024


Over the past two months, we have added 4,256 new articles to the Law Journal Library with updates to 307 existing journals and 14 new active serials. These titles cover subjects including constitutional law, legal practice and procedure, international law, and more! Keep reading to learn about these new additions to our collection of multidisciplinary journals.

1. Anuario de la Jurisprudencia Casacional Dominicana

Vol. 1 (2022)

Published by National School of Judiciary

Subjects: Jurisprudence; Criminal Law and Procedure; Labor Law; Legal Practice and Procedure

The expected audience for Anuario de la Jurisprudencia Casacional Dominicana is all legal professionals who need information about supreme court decisions in the Dominican Republic. The journal is peer edited by judges, lawyers, and professors in the Dominican Republic and Latin America.

title page for Anuario de la Jurisprudencia Casacional Dominicana

2. Cleveland State Law Review Et Cetera

Vols. 63-72 (2015-2023)

Published by Cleveland State University

Subjects: Constitutional Law, Generally; Jurisdiction; Jurisprudence; Legal Practice and Procedure

The Cleveland State Law Review, originally founded in 1952 as the Cleveland-Marshall Law Review, is a student-run organization whose primary purposes are to publish a high-quality journal of legal scholarship and to promote academic excellence in the law school community. Et Cetera is an online-only companion to the Cleveland State Law Review. The Law Review publishes four issues of Et Cetera annually, containing the scholarly works of legal academics, judges, practitioners, and students.

3. Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, the Green Issue

Vols. 1-2#1 (2022-2024)

Published by Drake University

Subjects: Agriculture Law; Biography; Conservation; Constitutional Law, Generally

Established in 2023, The Green Issue (ISSN: 2995-6161) is a companion to the Drake Journal of Agricultural Law (the Journal). The Green Issue aims to enhance the Journal’s print issue by featuring timely pieces written by practitioners, scholars, and students. The Green Issue is published on a rolling basis.

5. European Journal of Policing Studies

Full Text: 2012-2018
Indexed: 2012-2024#2

Published by Eleven International Publishing

Subjects: Law Enforcement; Police; Countries, Areas, and Regions; Research

In 2013 the European Journal of Policing Studies (EJPS) was founded. Since then many issues of this journal have been published about highly different aspects of police and policing, from very different theoretical and methodological perspectives. Special issues of the journal were published about, for instance, plural policing, police cultures, and methodology in police research. In 2022, EJPS made a new start, published by Eleven. EJPS continues to publish high-quality papers that provide insights into contemporary policing discussions in or related to continental Europe. It focuses on issues that are of interest to the police and other actors in policing, and that may shape the future of policing. EJPS aims to offer authors ample room to present their empirical research results. Furthermore, EJPS also aims to publish special issues, focusing on specific topics or themes that are relevant for both the policy and practice of public and private policing.

5. Fordham Law Voting Rights and Democracy Forum

Vols. 1-2#2 (2022-2024)

Published by Fordham Law School

Subjects: Constitutional Law, Generally; Politics (General); Elections and Voting Law

The Fordham Law Voting Rights and Democracy Forum is a student-edited publication dedicated to publishing legal analysis by law professors, scholars, policymakers, legal practitioners, and law students on voting rights, election law, democratic institutions, and how these areas intersect with social justice. The Forum‘s intended audience includes scholars, researchers, students, and others interested in voting rights and democracy-related issues.

6. Glasnik of the Bar Association of Vojvodina


Published by Bar Association of Vojvodina

Subjects: Criminal Law and Procedure; Human Rights Law; International Law; Legal History

The Glasnik of the Bar Association of Vojvodina was founded as a professional journal on June 1, 1928 by the Bar Association in Novi Sad, currently the Bar Association of Vojvodina. It is one of the oldest legal journals not only in Serbia, but in the region of the former Yugoslavia, which has been continually published. Since 1981, it has been classified as a journal of legal theory and practice. In the first half of 1996 it established criteria that apply to the rank of scientific publications, while since 2004 it has had the status of a scientific journal, in accordance with the criteria set by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia. The journal publishes original scientific articles, discussions, legal essays, case studies from the history of law, book reviews, texts which relate to the legal practice and reports on the work of the Bar Association of Vojvodina. The Glasnik primarily publishes legal scholars, professors, and assistant professors from faculties of law, together with lawyers and judges, as well as other legal experts, but also experts whose practice relates to law. The journal is published quarterly.

title page of Glasnik of the Bar Association of Vojvodina

7. International Journal of Law and Social Sciences

Vols. 1-9 (2015-2023)

Published by Alliance University

Subjects: Judges; Comparative and Foreign Law; Courts; Legal Practice and Procedure

International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (IJLS) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, published by School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru. IJLS aims to be a platform that encourages students, academicians, jurists, practitioners, and research scholars to come together for the cause of legal education and research and contribute scholarly pieces with a specific focus on issues that fall in the domain of law and allied social sciences. School of Law, Alliance University proposes to set the tone of the ‘transition’ towards a Global Research University through International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (IJLS). This research journal is envisaged to open up the avenues for researchers to share their comprehensive and interdisciplinary research writings.

8. Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis

Vol. 1#1 (2024)

Published by Sage Publications

Subjects: Judges; Comparative and Foreign Law; Courts; Legal Practice and Procedure

The Journal of Law & Empirical Analysis (JLEA) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. It aspires to spearhead the empirical turn in law by publishing cutting-edge research that is accessible and of interest to the wider legal community. JLEA aims to attract papers written by social scientists and legal academics alike that have clear legal relevance, that appeal to an international audience, and that combine theory and empirics, whether to draw inferences or to offer rich descriptions.

9. Prayagraj Law Review

Vol. 1-2#1 (2022-2024)

Published by Pragati Foundation

Subjects: Legislation; Banking and Finance Law; Comparative and Foreign Law

Prayagraj Law Review (PLR) is an open-themed, double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal. It is solely dedicated to expressing opinions on the current perception of law while keeping a tab on modern jurisprudence and socio-political thinking. It strives to give a proper platform to detailed analytical and research works on topical issues and how they will be shaping a society of liberal and responsible individuals.

title page of Prayagraj Law Review

10. South Asian Journal of Environmental Law and Policy

Vol. 1 (2022)

Published by Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo

Subjects: Environmental Law; Human Rights Law; Law and Society; Banking and Finance Law

The South Asian Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (SAJELP) stands as a pioneering initiative in the realm of environmental law and policy within the South Asian region. As a collaborative effort between the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP) at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and the Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ), SAJELP serves as a vital platform for academic collaboration, dissemination of knowledge, and fostering awareness on environmental issues.

title page of South Asian Journal of Environmental Law and Policy

11. Sports Law, Policy & Diplomacy Journal (SLPD Journal)

Vol. 1-2#1 (2023-2024)

Published by University of Rijeka

Subjects: Sports Law; Athletics; Countries, Areas, and Regions; European Union

Sports Law, Policy & Diplomacy Journal (SLPD Journal) is dedicated to publishing articles that contribute to theoretical, methodological, and empirical knowledge in the complex field of law, public policy, and diplomacy in the sports system, as well as in other areas of social science focused on sports. The Journal welcomes submissions that explore various levels of analysis, ranging from individual cases to small or large sample studies, across diverse contexts including international, supranational, regional, and national levels. These submissions may span fields such as law, political science, and diplomacy in sports.

title page of Sports Law, Policy & Diplomacy Journal

12. Texas A&M Law Review Arguendo

Vols. 5-12 Article 1 (2018-2024)

Published by Texas A&M University

Subjects: Constitutional Law, Generally; Criminal Law and Procedure; Food and Drug Law; Health Law and Policy

Arguendo is the online companion journal to the Texas A&M Law Review. Arguendo features intriguing content on all areas of law and provides a platform to publish content within weeks of a legal development.

13. TMU Law Review

Vol. 1#1 (2023)

Published by Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)

Subjects: Legal Practice and Procedure; Appeals; Churches; Constitutional Law, Generally

The TMU Law Review seeks to publish scholarship that reflects the core pillars of the Lincoln Alexander School of Law. While not restricting their scope, they are particularly focused on deepening the understanding of both the theoretical and practical barriers to justice and access to justice that many Canadians encounter. They are dedicated to exploring ways to envision and create a more equitable, effective, and efficient justice system for all, with special emphasis on those who have been historically and continue to be systematically excluded, discriminated against, and underserved by Canada’s colonial legal system.

title page of TMU Law Review

14. Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics

Vol. 1-12#1 (2011-2022)

Published by Sciendo (daughter company of De Gruyter Publishing House / DeGruyter)

Subjects: International Law; Countries, Areas, and Regions; European Union

The semi-annual Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration and Economics is designed for readers interested in the legal cultures, administrative systems, and economies of New Europe. The journal focuses on the intersection of these three closely related disciplines, shaped by both historical context and practical application. Broadly speaking, it is an English-language publication devoted to exploring issues of globalization and transformation from legal, administrative, and economic perspectives.

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