2024 leaves behind a kaleidoscope of events that shaped the world, from the awe-inspiring solar eclipse and Paris Summer Olympics, to the sobering realities of (yet again) the hottest year on record and events like the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Amidst wars, hurricanes, and political shifts during the U.S. presidential election, generative AI stood out as a beacon of technological innovation and possibility.
As we reflect on the events of the past year, we’re reminded of the essential role research and knowledge play in navigating complex challenges and uncovering opportunities for growth. In 2024, you made HeinOnline a cornerstone of discovery, with more than 13 million searches and more than 2.5 billion hits. Beyond the numbers, our commitment to exceptional customer service was clear with 1,284 chats, more than 10,000 hours of live support, and hundreds of phone calls, ensuring that you received the support you need every step of the way.
As we step into 2025, we remain committed to expanding our capabilities and advancing services to support your success, all while upholding the professionalism and reliability you’ve come to trust. Now, let’s reflect on HeinOnline’s 2024 highlights.
New Databases
1. West Academic Casebooks Archive
This collection consists of the most comprehensive collection of out-of-print and superseded casebooks from West Academic’s renowned American Casebook Series, University Casebook Series, Hornbook Series, and Nutshell Series—excluding only the two latest editions of each title. Once a new edition of a title is published, the third most recent edition will then be added to the database, with our editors continually updating the archive twice a year to add further value to your subscription. Additionally, our team is continuing to collect materials that fall within the embargo eligibility, intending to make the archive collection as comprehensive as possible.

2. UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online)
HeinOnline partnered with Dandy Booksellers to integrate their product, Public Information Online, providing comprehensive coverage of UK Parliamentary Papers in a fully indexed and searchable interface. Dandy Booksellers, based in London, has been providing UK official information to the public for more than 30 years, and launched their online database in 2006. This collection, which includes over 12 million pages, covers official documents from the parliaments of Westminster, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, along with non-parliamentary material.

3. Nominative Reports (English, Irish, and American)
Discover the origins of court reporting with Nominative Reports, a vital resource documenting court decisions in 16th-century England before formalized methods were established. Named after the reporter, these reports were often inconsistent and delayed, but pioneers like Edmund Plowden set a new standard with detailed case notes. Though the practice ended in England in 1865, these historical records were once only accessible in select libraries. Now, HeinOnline offers full-text, true-to-print digital reproductions, giving researchers access to these invaluable documents anytime, anywhere.

4. U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments
This collection comprises over 750 legal and political commitments between U.S. states and foreign governments—most of which have never been published before. Edited by Ryan Scoville, U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments contains commitments entered into arrangements by individual U.S. states with foreign nations on topics ranging from archaeology to human rights and transportation. Furthermore, select commitments are annotated by the editor, offering deeper insights into these captivating yet often misunderstood documents.

5. Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS)
HeinOnline’s Administrative Conference of the United States database was developed in conjunction with the Conference to bring its reports, recommendations, and other works to a larger audience. The collection is a comprehensive record of the Conference’s work from its commencement until 1995, with additional works added from the period after its re-establishment in 2010. Researchers can browse the Implementation Files, which illustrate the research behind each recommendation, organized by index term and alphabetically.

6. U.S. Political & Legal History
Dive into the stories and fascinating histories that have shaped America’s 50 states from the nation’s beginnings to today! This collection offers titles tailored to each state’s history and development, presenting an eclectic view into a single state’s legal, historical, social, geographic, and economic makeup through historical and current texts. All titles are browsable to the state level, easily allowing researchers to travel from coast to coast with content tailored to each state’s unique history.

New Features
Beyond Citations: New Altmetric Feature Explores the Social Impact of Scholarly Works
In 2008, HeinOnline introduced ScholarCheck to highlight the most-cited journals, articles, and authors. Now, with Altmetric integration, researchers can explore online attention across news, blogs, and social media, uncovering the societal impact of scholarly works beyond HeinOnline.
New Author Profile Feature:
Download a Metrics CSV
We added a highly requested feature: author profile CSV downloads. From an author’s profile page in HeinOnline, users can now easily export a CSV of scholarly works, complete with titles, publication details, and ScholarCheck metrics.
DOI Facet Simplifies Tracking Altmetrics for Scholarly Articles
By monitoring thousands of online conversations, Altmetric highlights the societal impact of articles with Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). This new DOI facet allows researchers to refine searches in the Law Journal Library to focus on articles with DOIs.
Liking/Commenting on Scholarly Works
in MyHein
Powered by MyHein, researchers can like and comment on articles within HeinOnline, enhancing the overall research experience and fostering a sense of community within the academic realm.
Enhanced IP Address Management in the Customer Service Web Portal
This new feature streamlines IP address management for account administrators. Within the customer Service Web Portal, customers can review, remove or add IP addresses as needed.
2024 HeinOnline Hits
Let’s dig even deeper. See below for the most accessed articles, databases, blogs and more!
1. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color by Kimberle Crenshaw — accessed 7,103 times
2. Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics by Kimberle Crenshaw — accessed 4,783 times
3. Understanding Bourdieu – Cultural Capital and Habitus by Xiaowei Huange — accessed 2,557 times
1. Law Journal Library — 146,753,011 hits
2. Legal Classics — 4,486,570 hits
3. Session Laws Library — 3,515,370 hits
The words children, Poland, Polish, and “artificial intelligence” were among the top search terms and phrases, but here are some additional key searches:
1. Most searched phrase: “standard deduction” inside the Standard Federal Tax Reporter database
2. Most searched citation: 491 U.S. 397
3. Most searched author: Albert Choi
1. Collection/Library — used 8,640,350 times
2. Subject — used 2,876,896 times
3. Section Type — used 1,561,221 times
1. COVID-19: Pandemics Past and Present — accessed 26,267 times
2. Law Journal Library – accessed 11,266 times
3. Getting Started — accessed 7,199 times
1. 4 Notorious Cults in American History – viewed 103,298 times
2. The 15 Most Inspiring Presidential Speeches in American History – viewed 31,609 times
3. 12 of the Boldest Executive Orders in U.S. History to Kick Off Your Presidents Day – viewed 19,907 times
In 2024, you created over 4,789 MyHein profiles — your personal research hubs.
Other Notable Content Additions
Since January 2024, HeinOnline has added:
- 10,513,078 pages, bringing the total page count to 235,304,262
- 144 new journals
- 4,267 Congressional Documents
- 2,146 CRS Reports
- 1,003 GAO Opinions
- 1,059 titles to Legal Classics
- 300 titles to Taxation and Economic Reform in America: Parts I & II
- 250 titles to World Constitutions Illustrated
- 103 titles to Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S.
- 125 titles to Women and the Law
- 155 titles to Religion and the Law
- 90 titles to Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law
- 88 titles to U.S. International Trade Library
- 100 titles to Animal Studies: Law, Welfare and Rights
- 67 titles to Civil Rights and Social Justice
- 91 titles to the Covid-19: Pandemics Past and Present
- 463 titles to Voting Rights & Election Law
New titles and new content for existing titles continue to be added, and milestones continue to be reached, including:
For a quick visual summary, check out this infographic.

Webinar Replays
Exploring the Altmetric Integration
Featuring Altmetric, this webinar was brought to you by HeinOnline & Michelle Herbert, a Product Engagement Specialist at Altmetric. Altmetric is the HeinOnline integration that follows online attention across news outlets, websites, blogs, social media and more, tracking thousands of online conversations to uncover the societal impact of scholarly works.
Comprehensive Digital Services for Libraries
As libraries consider expanding their historical collections online, we’re ready to offer our wealth of expertise. Whether it’s digitizing a small rare book or an extensive historical archive, we’re equipped to convert your holdings into fully searchable, image-based formats. Discover our comprehensive digital services in this 30-minute webinar.
Where in the World Was Hein?

In 2024, our dedicated sales team of just three people embarked on an incredible journey, traveling to over 25 cities across more than six countries. From bustling cities to quieter corners of the globe, they met with you, our valued partners, to better understand your needs and share how HeinOnline continues to support your success.