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What’s New in HeinOnline: January 2025 Content Release


We’ve entered 2025 with open arms, embracing a brand new year full of exciting new beginnings in discovery and learning! Our latest content release packs a wealth of resources designed to ignite your research journey and inspire fresh breakthroughs—no matter the scope of your research.


Updated databases: 73
New titles: 
New volumes: 
New pages added last month: 
Total pages in HeinOnline: 

Major Database Updates

We’ve added a ton of content to some of our most popular HeinOnline databases! Check out the substantial additions this month:

  • Law Journal Library: 4 new active serials
  • U.S. Congressional Documents:
    • 216 congressional service reports
    • 167 congressional hearings
    • 30 committee prints
  • Brennan Center for Justice Publications at NYU School of Law: 139 new titles
  • Legal Classics: 64 new titles
  • Spinelli’s Law Library Reference Shelf: 49 new titles
  • English Nominative Reports: 40 new titles
  • Women and the Law (Peggy): 24 new titles

Expand each collection below to discover additional updates and our favorite titles from each addition.

With the January content release, we added six new journals, four of which are active serials. These new journals cover subjects including banking and finance law, dispute resolution, drones, taxation, and more!

Chicago Journal of International Law Online
Vols. 1-3#1 (2021-2024)
Published by University of Chicago Law School
Subjects: International Law, Human Rights Law, Criminal Law and Procedure, Banking and Finance Law
Chicago Journal of International Law Online is the official digital-only imprint of the Chicago Journal of International Law. Established in 2021, Chicago Journal of International Law Online furthers its mission by highlighting particularly timely, dynamic, and cutting-edge developments in international and comparative law. It also strives to be as accessible as possible—both for readers and academics seeking to publish. Submissions are reviewed on a year-round, rolling basis and consider a wide range of manuscripts, from shorter essays to traditional articles.

Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law
Vols. 1-28#1 (1997-2024)
Published by Consumer and Commercial Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
Subjects: Consumer Protection Law, Legal Practice and Procedure, Dispute Resolution, Contracts
The official publication of the Consumer & Commercial Law section of the State Bar of Texas. Published by the Center for Consumer Law, University of Houston Law Center.

Journal of Drone Law and Policy
Vols. 1-2 (2020-2023)
Published by Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law
Subjects: Air and Space Law, Air Transport, Drones, Aircraft
Drone activities offer unique legal and policy challenges at both the national and the international level. The University of Mississippi recognizes the need for a platform for practicing attorneys and interested parties to publish timely articles in this field and is delighted to offer this opportunity to collect and publish original thoughtful and thought-provoking analyses.

Tax Adviser
Full Text: Vols. 1-52 (1970-2021)
Indexed: Vols. 1-55 (1970-2024)
Published by AICPA – American Institute of CPAs
Subjects: Taxation, Taxation-Transnational, Business and the Law, Taxation-Federal
The Tax Adviser is a monthly publication of the American Institute of CPAs, providing tax practitioners with timely, in-depth, practical, and comprehensive information on federal and state tax developments.

One title was updated and 19 titles were added, including:

Business Law, Principles and Cases
1v. Cincinnati: South-Western Pub. Co., 1971 5th ed.
Anderson, Ronald A.; et al.

One title was updated and one title was added:

Animals in a Research Laboratory
1v. Baltimore: French-Bray Printing Co., 1961

Four titles were added, including:

Employment Discrimination and Civil Rights Actions in Federal and State Courts: ALI-ABA Course of Study Materials
2v. Philadelphia: American Law Institute – American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education, 1989

Two titles were updated and five titles were added, including:

Alternatives to Institutionalization: A Definitive Bibliography
1v. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979
Brantley, James R.; Kravitz, Marjorie, Compilers

One title was updated and one title was added:

Treatise on the Law of Slander and Libel, and Incidentally of Malicious Prosecutions
2v. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen and Co., 1843 from the 2nd English ed. of 1830
Starkie, Thomas; Wendell, John L.

40 titles were added, including:

Cases Argued and Adjudged, in the Court of King’s Bench, at Westminster, in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Years of the Reign of His Late Majesty, King George the Second
1v. London: Printed for W. Griffin and W. Flexney, 1770 2nd ed., corr.
Cunningham, Timothy; Hardwicke, Philip Yorke

Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery: Published from the Manuscripts of Thomas Vernon, Late of the Middle Temple, Esq., by Order of the High Court of Chancery
2v. Dublin: Printed for H. Watts, 1793 3rd ed., corr.
Vernon, Thomas

Cases in Law and Equity: Argued, Debated and Adjudged in the King’s Bench and Chancery, in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Years of Queen Anne, during the Time of Lord Chief Justice Parker
1v. London, In the Savoy: Printed for W. Owen, 1791
Gilbert, Geoffrey

Reports de Divers Special Cases en le Common Bank & en le Court del Bank le Roy: En le Reigne de le Roy Charles le II
1v. London: Printed by the Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins for Samuel Keble, 1695
Jones, Thomas

Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench
5v. Dublin: Printed by R. Moncrieffe, 1784
Burrow, James

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery
4v. Dublin: Printed for E. Lynch, 1785-1794 1st American, from the 5th London ed.
Brown, William

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King’s Bench and Common Pleas, from 1670 to 1683
1v. London: S. Sweet, 1826 Rev. ed.
Freeman, Richard; Dixon, Thomas

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and Other Courts
3v. Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke, 1820 New ed., corr., enl.
Bosanquet, John Bernard; et al.

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King’s Bench, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and the Principal Matters
6 in 2v. Boston: Lilly, Wait, Colman, and Holden, 1832
Maule, George; et al.

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham
1v. New York: Banks, Gould & Co., 1847
Craig, Richard Davis; et al.

Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court during the Time of Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls
2v. New York: Gould, Banks & Co., 1844
Keen, Benjamin; et al.

Reports of Cases in Law and Equity: From 1670 to 1706, with Tables of the Names of the Cases and the Principal Matters
1v. London, In the Savoy: Printed by H. Lintot, 1742
Freeman, Richard; Dixon, Thomas, Editor

Reports of That Reverend and Learned Judge, the Right Honourable Sr. Henry Hobart, Knight and Baronet, Lord Chiefe Justice of His Majesties Court of Common Pleas
1v. London: Printed by James Flesher, 1650
Hobart, Henry

Rerum Judicatarum Centuriae Octo
1v. London: Printed for Henry Seile, 1661
Jenkins, David

Seven titles were added, including:

Bibliographical Survey of Contemporary Sources for the Economic and Social History of the War
1v. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1922
Bulkley, M. E.

Litteratur des Internationalen Rechts 1884 bis 1894
1v. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1896
Stoerk, Felix

One title was updated and one title was added:

Voting on Tribal Lands: Barriers to Native American Turnout
1v. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Budget Office, 2024
Jones, Chelsea N.; Grange, Coryn

Three titles were updated and 64 titles were added, including:

Digest of the Law of Real Property
7v. Boston: C. C. Little & J. Brown, 1849-1850 rev., enl.
Cruise, William; et al.,

Eunomus: Or, Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England with an Essay on Dialogue
2v. London: Printed for W. Clarke and Sons, 1809 3rd ed., corr.
Wynne, Edward

First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England; or, a Commentary upon Littleton
2v. Philadelphia: R. H. Small, 1853 1st American from the 19th London ed., corr.
Coke, Edwardo; et al.

History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America
2v. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1893 6th ed.
Bancroft, George

History of the Origine of the French Laws
1v. London: Printed for D Brown, 1724
Fleury, Claude; et al.

Law of Actions on the Case for Torts and Wrongs
1v. London In the Savoy: Printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling, 1720

Law of Automobiles
1v. Albany: M. Bender & Co., 1927 8th ed.
Huddy, Xenophon P.; Curtis, Arthur F.

Oeuvres de Pothier
10v. Paris: Cosse, 1845-1848
Pothier, Robert Joseph; Bugnet, M.

Synopsis of the Members of the English Bar
1v. London: Stevens and Sons, 1835
Whishaw, James

Treatise on the American Law of Landlord and Tenant
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, 1860 3rd ed.
Taylor, John N.

Treatise on the Law of Mercantile Guarantees
1v. New York: G. Lamson, 1825 1st American ed., from the 2nd and last English ed.
Fell, Walter William; Walker, Charles

Trust and Corporation Problems
1v. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1929
Seager, Henry R.; Gulick, Charles A. Jr.

10 titles were added, including:

Life and Labor in the Old South
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1929
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell

Five titles were updated and 49 titles were added, including:

Collected Public Documents of the States: A Check List
1v. Boston: [s.n.], 1947
Jenkins, William Sumner, Compiler

Index of Economic Material in Documents of the States of the United States: Rhode Island, 1789-1904
1v. Washington: Carnegie institution of Washington, 1908
Hasse, Adelaide R.

Sweet & Maxwell’s Guide to Law Reports and Statutes
1v. Toronto: Carswell Co., 1929

There was a large update to the U.S. Congressional Documents database. See below for a breakdown:

167 new congressional hearings
216 new Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports
30 new committee prints

Here are some notable titles:

Congressional Hearings

Examining the Policies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Hearing Before the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, Second Session
Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 2025

Financial Services and General Government Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024: Hearings Before A Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, First Session
Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 2024

Oversight of A.I.: The Future of Journalism: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Second Session
Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 2024

Congressional Research Service Reports

Cybersecurity: Selected Cyberattacks, 2012-2024
Updated December 20, 2024 R46974
Jaikaran, Chris
Updated January 8, 2025 R46974
Jaikaran, Chris

Drone Encounters Prompt Calls for Restrictions and Other Protections
January 3, 2025 IN12476
Elias, Bart

Committee Prints

World Food Conference: Selected Materials for the Use of the U.S. Congressional Delegation to the World Food Conference, Compiled for the Subcommittee on Foreign Agriculture Policy of the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States Senate
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1974

One title was updated and 24 titles were added, including:

What Happens When State and Local Laws Conflict: Cases Involving Abortion, Gun Control, and Public Health Pivoted on State Preemption Standards
1v. New York: Brennan Center for Justice, 2023
Davis, Martha F.

15 titles were added, including:

Report of the Grenada Constitution Review Commission: Presented to His Excellency the Governor-General of Grenada
1v. St. George’s: Government Printer, 1986

Turkey, Politics and Government: A Bibliography, 1938-1975
1v. Washington: Library of Congress, 1978
Bodurgil, Abraham, Compiler

Featured LibGuide

HeinOnline’s LibGuides and A-Z Database List are excellent tools for exploring database content and functionality. If you’re researching immigration law, HeinOnline’s Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. offers a comprehensive collection of historical and current documents. With nearly 4,500 titles and over 1.5 million pages of immigration-related content, this database provides access to hearings, Congressional Service reports, Supreme Court briefs, scholarly articles, and much more—making it an invaluable resource for in-depth research.

ICYMI: January’s HeinOnline Blogs

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