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Category: Tips and Tricks

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Tip of the Week: Locating a Rule in the Federal Register

Do you often find yourself looking for an administrative rule and are not sure where to start in the Federal Register? This week’s tip explores how to search across the Federal Register to find a Final Rule.

Supreme Court building

Stay in the Know with SCOTUS Cases this 2019-2020 Term!

Last week, the Supreme Court of the United States began hearing three separate cases which could determine whether LGBTQ people are protected in the workplace by the 1964 Civil Rights Act. With Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases you can stay in the know with these upcoming cases!

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Tip of the Week: Emailing Your HeinOnline Search Results

So you’ve crafted the perfect search in HeinOnline and returned fantastically relevant results. Now what? Follow along with this post to discover how to email one or more search results from within HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library.

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Tip of the Week: Locating a Congressional Hearing in HeinOnline

HeinOnline’s U.S. Congressional Documents holds more than 70,500 congressional hearings. Luckily, we’ve created the Congressional Hearings Quick Finder Tool to help you quickly and easily locate the hearing you have in mind. Follow along to discover how, and then try it yourself!

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Tip of the Week: Researching Impeachment in HeinOnline

HeinOnline’s vast collection of government documents, academic journals, and case law allow users to stay up-to-date with current events in our world. Today, let’s take a look at what resources are available in HeinOnline to impress your friends with your knowledge on recent breaking news!

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The Best Back-to-School Survival Tools for Quick and Easy Research

The corn is getting taller, the days are getting shorter, and those of us in the field of academia are heading back to school. HeinOnline experts are always happy to help you out when research gets tough. Check out our ever-growing list of tools, time-savers, and helpful resources below.

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Capital Punishment Research Resources in HeinOnline

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues facing global society. Many countries have abolished the death penalty. Those which have not include the United States, China, India, Japan, and most Islamic states. The U.S. is the only Western nation still using capital punishment.

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NEW! Updated Search Syntax And Tips and Tricks from HeinOnline Gurus

Last month, we tweaked our proximity searching thanks to feedback from a tweet! Today’s post is going to cover all the ins and outs of searching in HeinOnline, including new search syntax options that were recently implemented. By the time you finish this blog post, you’ll be an expert in searching!

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MyHein: A Power Researcher’s Best Friend

MyHein is HeinOnline’s personal research tool, enabling anyone with HeinOnline access to bookmark documents, save search queries, and set up electronic table of contents (eTOC) alerts. Set up an account by selecting the MyHein option from the HeinOnline menu on the top right side of the page.

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Everything You Need to Know about Author Profile Pages

Author Profile Pages are an excellent way to showcase and promote an author’s scholarly work. This page automatically displays a list of an author’s articles and ScholarCheck statistics and can be enhanced. Let’s take a closer look at this HeinOnline feature and what’s new!