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New Feature Alert! Improved Author Profiles in HeinOnline

Valuable feedback from both authors and librarians has helped HeinOnline refine its author profiles, allowing users to better understand the context of an author’s work while also helping authors better promote their publications. Learn about our latest additions, now live in beta form.

Go on, Venn-t a Little: New Feature Added to HeinOnline!

At HeinOnline, we want to do everything we can to streamline your research experience. Thanks to suggestions from Curtin University, Murdoch University, and The University of Notre Dame Australia, we are excited to introduce Venn Diagrams in beta format as a visual research aid.


New Metric Added to Author Profile Pages

Professor Kerr sent us a direct message on Twitter with several points of feedback on HeinOnline’s Author Profile Pages. He offered the suggestion to add a new metric: average number of citations per article. Check out this new metric along with some icons that received a facelift.

Handing typing on a laptop

NEW! Updated Search Syntax And Tips and Tricks from HeinOnline Gurus

Last month, we tweaked our proximity searching thanks to feedback from a tweet! Today’s post is going to cover all the ins and outs of searching in HeinOnline, including new search syntax options that were recently implemented. By the time you finish this blog post, you’ll be an expert in searching!

keyboard, notebook, phone and mug on a desk

NEW Citation Format: McGill Guide!

Have you heard about the latest citation format addition to the Law Journal Library? Users can now access the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, otherwise known as the McGill Guide! We’d like to thank Vicki Leung from the University of Windsor for suggesting this idea.

Welcome in various languages around the world

New Language Facet Feature in the Law Journal Library!

A new facet has been added to the Law Journal Library which allows users to refine search results by language. This new tool is useful for users who are looking for journals written primarily in a specific language. All languages are coded at the journal title level. Check it out!

Laptop with colorful glow

Session Laws Indexing Project Update and New Feature Announcement

Back in April 2017 we blogged about the Session Laws indexing project and announced that all 50 states were indexed to the chapter or act level from 2000 to current. We have been diligently indexing our way through the states and we have some news to share!
