UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGEItem #: 7465 Subjects: CONTEMPORARY LAW, CIVIL RIGHTS, WOMEN & THE LAW, FAMILY LAW, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, IMMIGRATION, URBAN LAW An independent journal published by students at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. The Journal espouses an interdisciplinary scholarly approach to challenge social injustice.(None published in 1995.) Title varies: v. 1-2 (1993-1994) as HYBRID: A Journal of Law and Social Change; Title varies: v. 3-4 (1996-1997) as HYBRID: The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change; Title varies: v. 5 (2000) as HYBRID: Journal of Law and Social Change at the University of Pennsylvania; Title varies: v. 6-10 (2002-2007) as Journal of Law and Social Change. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |