A Product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
Gavel resting on books


Access a wide array of federal and state case law through HeinOnline’s partnership with Fastcase. With this Premium subscription, sift through the clutter in a unique case law database, using best-case-first legal research tools that make case law research faster than ever.

HeinOnline's U.S. Federal & State Case Law Provider

To create an authoritative case law database, HeinOnline has partnered with Fastcase, a leading next-generation legal research service that features powerful “best-case-first” tools that make case law research faster than ever. This partnership offers subscribers access to Fastcase Premium, which offers a wide array of case law at the federal and state levels and enables users to access the full text of cases through their HeinOnline subscription without the hassle of using multiple research databases. As a supplement, HeinOnline’s U.S. Supreme Court Library includes the U.S. Reports, which contain the officially-published opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court and are available from inception to current.


As the smarter alternative for legal research, Fastcase democratizes the law, making it more accessible to more people. Using patented software that combines the best of legal research with the best of web search, Fastcase helps busy users sift through the clutter, ranking the best cases first and enabling the re-sorting of results to find answers fast. Fastcase provides federal and state case law in an HTML format which can be downloaded to a PDF or printed.

Check out a complete list of Fastcase’s case law content and coverage.

The Power of Fastcase via HeinOnline

View the highlights of a Fastcase Premium subscription below:

Fastcase Premium

  • Article-to-Case Linking
  • Case-to-Case Linking
  • Case Law Citation Look-Up
  • Negative Treatment Indicator
  • ScholarCheck: Articles that Cite Current Cases
  • Downloading and Printing PDFs
  • Full-Text and Metadata Searching of All Case Law
  • Case Law Included in Comprehensive Search Results
  • Bad Law Bot: Full Negative Treatment Analysis
  • ScholarCheck: Cases that Cite the Current Case

Database Tools and Features

Case Law Linking

Research faster with inline hyperlinking, connecting case citations found within the text of any document to the referenced case. Learn more.

Case law linking in HeinOnline's Fastcase database

Citation Look-Up Tool

Enter a proper Bluebook citation into the search bar and select Citation from anywhere in HeinOnline to pull up the case in question in seconds.
Learn more.

Bad Law Bot

Easily see when a case has been treated negatively. Use the Bad Law Bot to see a list of specific cases that have overturned or reversed the case.

Bad law bot in HeinOnline's fastcase database
ScholarCheck integration in HeinOnline's fastcase database

ScholarCheck Integration

Use Hein's ScholarCheck feature to determine how many articles in HeinOnline cite a particular case. Also see the cases which have cited the case in question.
Learn more.

Full-Text and Metadata Searching

Use the Fastcase search tool to search the full text and metadata of all included cases. Metadata includes case name, party, court, and more.
Learn more.

Case Law in Search Results

Case law is also included within the search results when searching across any and all subscribed databases in HeinOnline.
Learn more.

Using Case Law in HeinOnline

Customer Training Session