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Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS)
A collaboration with the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) to bring hundreds of the agency’s impactful reports, recommendations, and other works—which have helped streamline federal government functioning—to a wider audience.
About the Administrative Conference of the United States
The Administrative Conference of the United States was established in 1964 in a bipartisan effort to continue the effective work of temporary administrative conferences that served the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations. An independent federal agency of the executive branch, the ACUS works to identify and promote improvements in efficiency, adequacy, and fairness of federal agency procedures. It consists of anywhere from 75 to 101 members from the public and private sectors who convene in regular plenary sessions to consider and vote on recommendations to improve administrative processes within the executive branch.
Since its founding, the ACUS has had a hand in the passage of a number of pieces of legislation, such as the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act and the Negotiated Rulemaking Act. The Conference ceased operations in 1995 due to loss of funding, but the provisions establishing it were not repealed, and it continued to make recommendations. Due to its beneficial impact on government function during its nearly 30 years of operation, Congress reauthorized the Conference in 2004 and 2008 and approved funding in 2009. The Conference officially re-convened in 2010.
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About the Database
HeinOnline’s Administrative Conference of the United States database was developed in conjunction with the Conference to bring its reports, recommendations, and other works to a larger audience. The collection is a comprehensive record of the Conference’s work from its commencement until 1995, with additional works from the period after its re-establishment in 2010 included as well.
Within the database, researchers can browse the Implementation Files, which illustrate the research behind each of the Conference’s recommendations, organized both by index term and alphabetically.
Additionally, the database contains a link to our Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, which is a comprehensive database designed to make the history of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA) more accessible and understandable and won the 2022 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award.
New content will continue to be added to this database as the Conference releases publications.
Featured Content
Showcasing the ins and outs of this influential federal agency.
This database contains all of the recommendations and reports published by the ACUS from 1968 to 1995. These publications illustrate the Conference’s main function in improving government administrative and regulatory processes.
Explore the Conference’s work, organization, activities, and bylaws with this subcollection of every ACUS annual report to Congress from 1968 to 1995.
Browse nearly 200 implementation files, which consolidate Congressional hearings, newspaper clippings, articles, memos, court briefs, and other documents relating to issues under ACUS study. Each file contains unique content that illustrate how recommendations are made.
Within the database, you can view these implementation files either Alphabetically by Title or by Index Term for easy browsing.
Take a front-row seat at the meetings and conferences of the ACUS by diving into the Plenary Session Transcripts subcollection! These transcripts illustrate the pain-staking details considered when discussing proposed recommendations. Often, each word is carefully deliberated.
Miscellaneous Publications and Projects
Explore more than 44,000 pages of additional ACUS works, including publications released after the Conference’s re-establishment in 2010, as well as newsletters and other reports published pre-1995. Notable titles include:
- Congressional Floor Debate on the Uniform Code of Military Justice (1950)
- Military Justice Act of 1983: Report (to Accompany S. 974)
- Revision of the Articles of War, 1912-1920 (1920)
ACUS Bibliography (1968-1995)
Published in the George Washington Law Review in 2014, this bibliography is considered to be the most comprehensive of ACUS materials through 1995. Most of these titles are available in HeinOnline, and many are directly linked to this database’s Scholarly Articles subcollection.
Scholarly Articles
In true HeinOnline style, this database contains a subcollection dedicated to hundreds of scholarly articles focusing on ACUS, its work, and administrative rules and procedure, hand-selected by our editors.
U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals
HeinOnline’s Administrative Conference of the United States database is automatically included in all subscriptions to our U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals collection, which features more than 8.9 million pages of reports, decisions, and records. The U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals database is a complete collection of the official case law of nearly 90 of the most important U.S. federal agencies, such as:
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
- Department of the Treasury
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Federal Trade Commission
- Food and Drug Administration
- Internal Revenue Service
- Library of Congress
- Office of Special Counsel
- Social Security Administration
- U.S. International Trade Commission
- And many more!