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Restatement, Third, Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons

Publisher: American Law Institute
Publication Website: https://www.ali.org/publications/show/torts-intentional-torts-persons/
Coverage: 2014-2023

Indexing: 2013-2023
Additional Information: This work focuses on the major avenues of recovery for physical and emotional harm to persons. It revises coverage of intentional torts in the Restatement Second, Torts.

CASE CITATIONS (April 2023 - August 2023)
CASE CITATIONS (July 2020 - August 2021)
CASE CITATIONS (July 2019 - August 2020)
CASE CITATIONS (July 2018 through August 2019)
CASE CITATIONS (July 2018 through April 2019)
CASE CITATIONS (July 2017 through April 2018)
CASE CITATIONS (March 2016 through June 2016)
TENTATIVE DRAFT NO. 6 (April 26, 2021)
TENTATIVE DRAFT NO. 5 (April 15, 2020)
TENTATIVE DRAFT NO. 4 (April 1, 2019)
TENTATIVE DRAFT NO. 3 (April 6, 2018)
TENTATIVE DRAFT NO. 2 (March 10, 2017)
TENTATIVE DRAFT No. 1 (April 8, 2015)
DISCUSSION DRAFT (April 4, 2014)
COUNCIL DRAFT NO. 2 (September 16, 2014) Indexing Only
COUNCIL DRAFT NO. 1 (October 4, 2013) Indexing Only
PRELIMINARY DRAFT NO. 2 (February 16, 2015) Indexing Only
PRELIMINARY DRAFT NO. 1 (August 28, 2013) Indexing Only