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Bar Report

Coverage: Vols. 9-28 (1980-2000) All Published

ISSN: 0271-2024
28 (1999-2000)
27 (1998-1999)
26 (1997-1998)
25 (1996-1997)
24 (1995-1996)
23 (1994-1995)
22 (1993-1994)
21 (1992-1993)
20 (1991-1992)
19 (1990-1991)
18 supp (1990)
18 (1989-1990)
17 supp (1988)
17 (1988-1989)
16 (1987-1988)
15 (1986-1987)
14 (1985-1986)
13 (1984-1985)
12 (1983-1984)
11 (1983)
10 (1981-1982)
9 (1980-1981)
HeinOnline was unable to locate vol. 1-8 for digitization. If your library is in possession of this material and is willing to donate and/or lend to use for digitization, please contact us by phone: 1-800-277-6995 or email: holsupport@wshein.com