Athlete Agents Act
Coverage: 1998-2019
Frequency: 2
Amendments to Revised Act (September 19, 2019)Revised Act (September 19, 2019)
Proceedings in Committee in the Whole (July 12-17, 2019)
Amendments to Revised Act - Draft (June 11, 2019)
Revised Act, October 7, 2015 (July 17, 2019)
Final Act (October 7, 2015)
Draft ("For Discussion Only" - Statutory Text Only) (September 17, 2015)
Draft ("For Discussion Only" - Statutory Text Only) (September 10-13, 2015)
Proceedings in Committee (July 9-15, 2015)
Draft ("Statutory Text Only") (July 21, 2015)
Draft ("For Discussion Only") (June 4, 2015)
Memorandum ("Revised Uniform Agents Act Issues") (July 7, 2015)
Committee of the Whole Meeting of July 9-16, 2015, Williamsburg, Virginia
Meeting Draft ("For Discussion Only - Amendments") (March 20-21, 2015)
Agenda (March 20-21, 2015)
Memorandum ("UAAA Issues") (March, 2014)
Memorandum (from Paul Pogge) (February 27, 2015)
Drafting Committee Meeting of March 20-21, 2015, Chicago, Illinois
Draft ("For Discussion Only" - January 29 - February 1, 2015 January 6, 2015 Style Committee Meeting) (January 6, 2015)
Draft ("For Discussion Only") (November 7-8, 2014)
Drafting Committee Chair Report (November 7-8, 2014)
Agenda (November 7-8, 2014)
Memorandum ("UAAA Issues") (November 1, 2014)
Amendments Draft ("For Discussion Only") (October 14, 2014)
Drafting Committee Meeting of November 7-8, 2014, Washington, DC
Proceedings (Amendments) (July 11-16, 2014)
Meeting Draft ("For Discussion Only") (June 2, 2014)
Interstate Compact Subcommittee Report (May 7, 2014)
Committee of the Whole Meeting of July 11-16, 2014, Seattle, Washington
Draft ("For Discussion Only") (April 2014)
Agenda (March 21-22, 2014)
Memorandum: "Background on the UAAA and Issues to be Considered" (March, 2014)
Memorandum (Paul Pogge) (February 28, 2014)
Meeting Draft ("For Discussion Only" - Amendments) (February 24, 2014)
Memorandum (Grace Willnerd) (January 10, 2014)
"The List: A Collection of Allegations, Reprimands, and Suspensions against Athlete-Agents (with commentary)" (2014)
State by State Table of Violations and Penalties (2014)
Memorandum "UAAA Issues" - Annual Meeting 2014 (2014)
Drafting Committee Meeting of March 21-22, 2014, Washington, DC'
Meeting Draft ("For Discussion Only") (October 25-26, 2013)
Agenda (October 25-26, 2013)
Drafting Committee Meeting of October 25-26, 2013, Chicago, Illinois
Comments from University of Missouri and Stanford University (2013)
Report (Drafting Committee Chair Report) (October 25-26, 2013)
Memo (Paul Pogge) (October 10, 2013)
Memorandum: "Background on the UAAA and Issues to be Considered at the October Drafting Committee Meeting" (September 1, 2013)
Memorandum (Report of Study Committee) (December 4, 2012)
Meeting Minutes (via Conference Call) (May 7, 2012)
Legislative Report (Uniform Athlete's Agent Study Committee) (2012)
NCAA Summit Presentation (PowerPoint) (November 17, 2011)
Memorandum (Proposed Study Committee on Revisions December 7, 2011 to the Uniform Athlete Agents Act) (December 7, 2011)
Article Package (2010-2011)
Article: George Dohrmann, "Confessions of a Sports Agent" (2010)
Uniform Athlete Agents (2000) (Final Approval Draft) (November 30, 2000)
2000 Styled Act (Final Approval Draft) (October 17, 2000)
Uniform Athlete Agents Act Proceedings (July 28 - August 4, 2000)
Draft ("For Discussion Only") (January 2000)
2000 Annual Meeting Draft ("Draft for Approval") (2000)
Uniform Athlete Agents Act Policy Statement (2000)
2000 Annual Meeting Act (2000)
Committee of the Whole Meeting of July 28-August 4, 2000, St. Augustine, Florida
1999 Annual Meeting Draft ("For Discussion Only") (1999)
Uniform Athlete Agents Act Proceedings (July 23-30, 1999)
Draft ("For Discussion Only") (November 24, 1998)
Committee of the Whole Meeting of July 23-30, 1999, Denver, Colorado
AFCA Survey regarding Agent Oversight (Undated)
Draft ("For Discussion Only") (March 6-8, 1998)
Draft (Committee Draft # 1 - For Discussion Only) (October 8, 1997)
Draft (First Draft - "For Discussion Only") (May 1997)