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Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication Website: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/vjam20
Coverage: Vols. 1-50 (1971-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-11 (1969-1981) as Performing Arts Review; Vols. 12-21 (1982-1992) as Journal of Arts Management and Law

Indexing: Vols. 1-54#4 (1971-2024)
ISSN: 1063-2921
Frequency: 6
Additional Information: The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society is an authoritative resource for the field of performing, visual, and media arts in particular and cultural affairs more generally. Articles, commentary, and book reviews address current and ongoing issues in arts policy, management, law, and governance from a range of philosophical and national perspectives. The journal seeks to increase communication and foster understanding among artists, public and private policymakers, cultural administrators, trustees, patrons, scholars, educators, and lawyers. Diverse disciplinary viewpoints are represented, encompassing aesthetics, economics, history, law, organizational management, political science, and sociology. A broad range of issues are addressed within the journal. Management topics might involve finance, labor relations, fundraising, marketing, or technological impacts; legal topics might include copyright, censorship, or trustee obligations; and cultural topics might involve education, historical preservation, or cultural diversity.

54 #1-4 (2024) Indexing Only
53 (2023) Indexing Only
52 (2022) Indexing Only
51 (2021)
50 (2020)
49 (2019)
48 (2018)
47 (2017)
46 (2016)
45 (2015)
44 (2014)
43 (2013)
42 (2012)
41 (2011)
40 (2010)
39 (2009)
38 (2008-2009)
37 (2007-2008)
36 (2006-2007)
35 (2005-2006)
34 (2004-2005)
33 (2003-2004)
32 (2002-2003)
31 (2001-2002)
30 (2000-2001)
29 (1999-2000)
28 (1998-1999)
27 (1997-1998)
26 (1996-1997)
25 (1995-1996)
24 (1994-1995)
23 (1993-1994)
22 (1992-1993)
21 (1991-1992)
20 (1990-1991)
19 (1989-1990)
18 (1988-1989)
17 (1987-1988)
16 (1986-1987)
15 (1985-1986)
14 (1984-1985)
13 (1983-1984)
12 (1982-1983)
11 (1981)
10 (1980)
9 (1979)
8 (1978)
7 (1977)
6 (1975-1976)
5 (1974)
4 (1973)
3 (1972)
2 (1971)
1 (1969-1970)