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Legal Issues in Collegiate Athletics

Publisher: Hackney Publications
Publication Website: http://www.hackneypublications.com/lica.php
Coverage: Vols. 1-23 (1999-2022)

Indexing: Indexed: Vols. 1-26#2 (1999-2024)
ISSN: 1527-4551
Frequency: 12
Additional Information: Legal Issues in College Athletics (LICA) is a narrowly focused newsletter that monitors case law and legal developments at the intersection of sports and the higher education industry. Each month, LICA provides summaries and analysis of court opinions as well as stories about issues that have an impact on the typical college athletic department.

26 #1-2 (2024) Indexing Only
25 (2023-2024) Indexing Only
24 (2022-2023) Indexing Only
23 (2021-2022)
22 (2020-2021)
21 (2019-2020)
20 (2018-2019)
19 (2017-2018)
18 (2016-2017)
17 (2015-2016)
16 (2014-2015)
15 (2013-2014)
14 (2012-2013)
13 (2011-2012)
12 (2010-2011)
11 (2009-2010)
10 (2008-2009)
9 (2007-2008)
8 (2006-2007)
7 (2005-2006)
6 (2004-2005)
5 (2003-2004)
4 (2002-2003)
3 (2001-2002)
2 (2000-2001)
1 (1999-2000)