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Criminal Justice Ethics

Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Publication Website: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcre20/current#.U4cn7UqYQ1E
Coverage: Vols. 1-37 (1982-2018)

Indexing: Indexed: Vols. 1-42 (1982-2023)
ISSN: 0731-129X
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: Criminal Justice Ethics addresses ethical issues arising in all of the contexts of criminal justice, exploring their conceptual, normative, and empirical aspects and the relations between them. Ethical issues concerning criminal justice require multi-disciplinary study and study that integrates theoretical, empirical, and practical concerns. One of the journal's purposes is to enlarge and deepen the study of those ethical issues, publishing work that advances the discussions and arguments concerning both the formulation of the issues and the ways they are addressed.

42 (2023) Indexing Only
41 (2022) Indexing Only
40 (2021) Indexing Only
39 (2020) Indexing Only
38 (2019) Indexing Only
37 (2018)
36 (2017)
35 (2016)
34 (2015)
33 (2014)
32 (2013)
31 (2012)
30 (2011)
29 (2010)
28 (2009)
27 (2008)
26 (2007)
25 (2006)
24 (2005)
23 (2004)
22 (2003)
21 (2002)
20 (2001)
19 (2000)
18 (1999)
17 (1998)
16 (1997)
Index to Vols. 1-15 (1982-1986)
15 (1996)
14 (1995)
13 (1994)
12 (1993)
11 (1992)
10 (1991)
9 (1990)
8 (1989)
7 (1988)
6 (1987)
5 (1986)
4 (1985)
3 (1984)
2 (1983)
1 (1982)