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Deviant Behavior

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication Website: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/udbh20
Coverage: Vols. 1-39 (1979-2018)

Indexing: Vols. 1-45#3 (1979-2024)
ISSN: 0163-9625
Frequency: 12
Additional Information: Deviant Behavior is the only journal that specifically and exclusively addresses social deviance. International and interdisciplinary in scope; it publishes refereed theoretical, descriptive, methodological, and applied papers. All aspects of deviant behavior are discussed, including: crime, juvenile delinquency, alcohol abuse and narcotic addiction, sexual deviance, societal reaction to handicap and disfigurement, mental illness, and socially inappropriate behavior.

45 #1-3 (2024) Indexing Only
44 (2023) Indexing Only
43 (2022) Indexing Only
42 (2021) Indexing Only
41 (2020) Indexing Only
40 (2019) Indexing Only
39 (2018)
38 (2017)
37 (2016)
36 (2015)
35 (2014)
34 (2013)
33 (2012)
32 (2011)
31 (2010)
30 (2009)
29 (2008)
28 (2007)
27 (2006)
26 (2005)
25 (2004)
24 (2003)
23 (2002)
22 (2001)
21 (2000)
20 (1999)
19 (1998)
18 (1997)
17 (1996)
16 (1995)
15 (1994)
14 (1993)
13 (1992)
12 (1991)
11 (1990)
10 (1989)
9 (1988)
8 (1987)
7 (1986)
6 (1985)
5 (1984)
4 (1982-1983)
3 (1981-1982)
2 (1980-1981)
1 (1979-1980)