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Police Journal

Publisher: SAGE Publications
Publication Website: https://journals.sagepub.com/loi/pjxa
Coverage: Vols. 1-93 (1928-2021)

Indexing: Vols. 1-97#1 (1928-2024)
ISSN: 0032-258X
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research studies, conceptual articles, theoretical overviews or reviews, and articles on good practice or practice evaluation, to reflect the constantly changing landscape in which police personnel around the World operate.

Source: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/pjx

97 #1 (2024) Indexing Only
96 (2023) Indexing Only
95 (2022) Indexing Only
94 (2021) Indexing Only
93 (2020)
92 (2019)
91 (2018)
90 (2017)
89 (2016)
88 (2015)
87 (2014)
86 (2013)
85 (2012)
84 (2011)
83 (2010)
82 (2009)
81 (2008)
80 (2007)
79 (2006)
78 (2005)
77 (2004)
76 (2003)
75 (2002)
74 (2001)
73 (2000)
72 (1999)
71 (1998)
70 (1997)
69 (1996)
68 (1995)
67 (1994)
66 (1993)
65 (1992)
64 (1991)
63 (1990)
62 (1989)
61 (1988)
60 (1987)
59 (1986)
58 (1985)
57 (1984)
56 (1983)
55 (1982)
54 (1981)
53 (1980)
52 (1979)
51 (1978)
50 (1977)
49 (1976)
48 (1975)
47 (1974)
46 (1973)
45 (1972)
44 (1971)
43 (1970)
42 (1969)
41 (1968)
40 (1967)
39 (1966)
38 (1965)
37 (1964)
36 (1963)
35 (1962)
Index Vols. 1-34 (1928-1961)
34 (1961)
33 (1960)
32 (1959)
31 (1958)
30 (1957)
29 (1956)
28 (1955)
27 (1954)
26 (1953)
25 (1952)
24 (1951)
23 (1950)
22 (1949)
21 (1948)
20 (1947)
19 (1946)
18 (1945)
17 (1944)
16 (1943)
15 (1942)
14 (1941)
13 (1940)
12 (1939)
11 (1938)
10 (1937)
9 (1936)
8 (1935)
7 (1934)
6 (1933)
5 (1932)
4 (1931)
3 (1930)
2 (1929)
1 (1928)