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Register of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Courts

Publisher: Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off.,
Coverage: 56v. Washington: G.P.O., 1871-1992

ISSN: 8964-5459
56 (1992)
55 (1990)
54 (1988)
53 (1983)
52 (1980)
51 (1978)
50 (1976)
49 (1975)
48 (1974)
47 (1966)
46 (1962)
45 (1960)
44 (1959)
43 (1957)
42 (1955)
41 (1947)
40 (1942)
39 (1938)
38 (1936)
37 (1934)
36 (1931)
35 (1930)
34 (1929)
33 (1928)
32 (1927)
31 (1926)
30 (1924)
29 (1922)
28 (1920)
27 (1919)
26 (1918)
25 (1917)
24 (1916)
23 (1915)
22 (1914)
21 (1913)
20 (1912)
19 (1910)
18 (1909)
17 (1908)
16 (1906)
15 (1904)
14 (1901)
13 (1900)
12 (1898)
11 (1897)
10 (1895)
9 (1891)
8 (1886)
7 (1885)
6 (1883)
5 (1876)
4 (1874)
3 (1873)
2 (1872)
1 (1871)