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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Eldon

Publisher: London: Printed by A. Strahan
Coverage: 5v. London: Printed by A. Strahan, 1827-1830

5 (1828-1829)
4 (1827-1828)
3 (1814)
3 (1814)
3 (1826-1827)
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2 (1820-1821)
2 (1813-1814)
2 (1820-1821)
2 (1826-1827)
1 (1844)
1 (1812-1813)
1 (1812-1813)
1 (1826)
1 (1819-1820)
1 (1821-1822)
1 (1819-1820)