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National Bankruptcy Register Reports

Coverage: 19 v. New York: Campbell & Co, 1868-1879, Title Varies: Vol. 1 (1868) Weekly Bankrupt Register. Containing All the Principal Rulings of the Different Judge, Vols. 2-3 (1869-1870) Bankrupt Register, Containing Reports of the Leading Cases and Principal Rulings in Bankruptcy, of the District Judges of the United States, Vol. 4 (1870) National Bankruptcy Register. Containing Reports of the Leading Cases and Principal Rulings in Bankruptcy, of the District Judges of the United States, Vols. 5-6 (1871-1872) National Bankruptcy Register, Vols. 7-19 (1873-1879) National Bankruptcy Register Reports

19 (1879)
18 (1879)
17 (1878)
16 (1878)
15 (1877)
14 (1877)
13 (1876)
12 (1875)
11 (1875)
10 (1874)
9 (1874)
8 (1873)
7 (1873)
6 (1872)
5 (1871)
4 (1870-1871)
3 (1869-1870)
2 (1868-1869)
1 (1868)