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Kluwer Law International Journal Library

Air and Space Law
 Vols. 1-45 (1975-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-16 (1975-1991) as Air Law

ASA Bulletin
 Vols. 1-38 (1983-2020)

Asian Dispute Review
 Vols. 1-22 (1999-2020)

Asian International Arbitration Journal
 Vols. 1-16 (2005-2020)

Business Law Review
 Vols. 1-41 (1980-2020)

Common Market Law Review
 Vols. 1-57 (1963-2020)

EC Tax Review
 Vols. 1-29 (1992-2020)

European Business Law Review
 Vols. 1-31 (1990-2020)

European Company Law
 Vols. 1-17 (2004-2020)

European Energy and Environmental Law Review
 Vols. 1-29 (1992-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-16 (1992-2007) as European Environmental Law Review

European Foreign Affairs Review
 Vols. 1-25 (1996-2020)

European Public Law
 Vols. 1-26 (1995-2020)

European Review of Private Law
 Vols. 1-28 (1993-2020)

Global Trade and Customs Journal
 Vols. 1-15 (2006-2020)

International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
 Vols. 1-36 (1985-2020)

 Vols. 1-48 (1973-2020)

Journal of European Consumer and Market Law
 Vols. 1-9 (2012-2020)

Journal of International Arbitration
 Vols. 1-37 (1984-2020)

Journal of World Trade
 Vols. 1-54 (1967-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-21 (1967-1987) as Journal of World Trade Law

Legal Issues of Economic Integration
 Vols. 1-47 (1974-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-26 (1974-1999) as Legal Issues of European Integration

Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem
 Vols. 0-17 (2003-2020)

World Competition
 Nos. 1-33, Vols. 12-43 (1977-2020) Title Varies: Nos. 1-21 (1977-1984) as Swiss Review of International Antitrust Law; Nos. 22-30 (1984-1987) as Swiss Review of International Competition Law

World Trade and Arbitration Materials
 Vols. 1-32 (1989-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-5 (1989-1993) as World Trade Materials