World Competition
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Publication Website:
Coverage: Nos. 1-33, Vols. 12-43 (1977-2020) Title Varies: Nos. 1-21 (1977-1984) as Swiss Review of International Antitrust Law; Nos. 22-30 (1984-1987) as Swiss Review of International Competition Law
Indexing: Vols. 1-47#3 (1977-2024)
ISSN: 1011-4548
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: World Competition covers competition and antitrust policy and issues in law and economics at the global level. Editors and contributors include highly regarded academics, practitioners, and members of the judiciary, as well as top-ranking competition law officials. Each issue brings readers up to date on trends in such aspects of competition as the following: interaction of public and private cartel enforcement; independence of competition authorities; damages claims; bid rigging; tax incentives; and parent company liability. The articles included in every issue are of the highest quality, evidence of the fact that World Competition has become essential reading for practitioners and academics in the field. Its aim has always been to cover all aspects; every angle; of competition and antitrust.
47 #1-3 (2024) Indexing Only46 (2023) Indexing Only
45 (2022) Indexing Only
44 (2021) Indexing Only
43 (2020)
42 (2019)
41 (2018)
40 (2017)
39 (2016)
38 (2015)
37 (2014)
36 (2013)
35 (2012)
34 (2011)
33 (2010)
32 (2009)
31 (2008)
30 (2007)
29 (2006)
28 (2005)
27 (2004)
26 (2003)
25 (2002)
24 (2001)
23 (2000)
22 (1999)
21 (1997-1998)
20 (1996-1997)
19 (1995-1996)
18 (1994-1995)
17 (1993-1994)
16 (1992-1993)
15 (1991-1992)
14 (1990-1991)
13 (1989-1990)
12 (1988-1989)
No. 33 (1988)
No. 32 (1988)
No. 31 (1987)
No. 30 (1987)
No. 29 (1987)
No. 28 (1986)
No. 27 (1986)
No. 26 (1986)
No. 25 (1985)
No. 24 (1985)
No. 23 (1985)
No. 22 (1984)
No. 21 (1984)
No. 20 (1984)
No. 19 (1983)
No. 18 (1983)
No. 17 (1983)
No. 16 (1982)
No. 15 (1982)
No. 14 (1982)
No. 13 (1981)
No. 12 (1981)
No. 11 (1981)
No. 10 (1980)
No. 9 (1980)
No. 8 (1980)
No. 7 (1979)
No. 6 (1979)
No. 5 (1979)
No. 4 (1978)
No. 3 (1978)
No. 2 (1978)
No. 1 (1977)