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African Journal of Law and Human Rights

Publisher: Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Publication Website: https://journals.ezenwaohaetorc.org/index.php/AJLHR/index
Coverage: Vols. 1-7#1 (2017-2023)

ISSN: 2630-709X
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: African Journal of Law and Human Rights (AJLHR) has the objective of publishing peer-reviewed papers dealing strictly with issues on law and human rights which are of relevance to Africa, Africans, and scholars on African issues. AJLHR provides a forum for legal scholars and jurists to report research findings for policy making through innovative and advanced methodologies. It appears once a year in June, and published online and in print. AJLHR is a manual for policy makers and legislators, jurists, legal practitioners, law and human rights enforcement agents, peace builders, academics, law students, and others.

7 #1 (2023)
6 (2022)
5 (2021)
4 (2020)
3 (2019)
2 (2018)
1 (2017)