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Arizona Law Journal of Emerging Technologies

Publisher: University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law
Publication Website: http://azlawjet.com/
Coverage: Vols. 1-7 Article 3 (2016-2024)

Frequency: 2
Additional Information: AZLawJET's purpose and goal is to unify a multitude of technical, legal, and public policy disciplines. In the fall of 2015, AZLawJET became Arizona Law's first technology-focused law journal. We are ready to tackle some of the most challenging areas of law, technology, and public policy.

7 Articles 1-3 (2023-2024)
6 Articles 1-6 (2022-2023)
5 (2021-2022)
4 (2020-2021)
3 (2018-2019)
2 (2017-2018)
1 (2016-2017)