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Australian Tax Forum

Publisher: Taxation Institute of Australia
Publication Website: https://www.taxinstitute.com.au/resources/journals/australian-tax-forum
Coverage: Vols. 1-37 (1984-2022)

Indexing: Indexed: Vols. 1-38#2 (1984-2023)
ISSN: 0812-695X
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: Australian Tax Forum is a prestigious quarterly journal with the objective of providing discussion on issues in tax policy, law and reform amongst tax professionals. It is an essential reference source for understanding and contributing to the development of taxation systems worldwide. Australian Tax Forum is aimed at those who want to influence the future development of tax policy. It is an important journal for tax policy makers, academics and libraries.

Source: http://www.taxinstitute.com.au/publications/australian-tax-forum

38 #1-2 (2023) Indexing Only
37 (2022)
36 (2021)
35 (2020)
34 (2019)
33 (2018)
32 (2017)
31 (2016)
30 (2015)
29 (2014)
28 (2013)
27 (2012)
26 (2011)
25 (2010)
24 (2009)
23 (2008)
22 (2007)
21 (2006)
20 (2005)
19 (2004)
18 (2003)
17 (2002)
16 (2001)
15 (1999-2000)
14 (1997)
13 (1997)
12 (1995)
11 (1994)
10 (1993)
9 (1992)
8 (1991)
7 (1990)
6 (1989)
5 (1988)
4 (1987)
3 (1986)
2 (1985)
1 (1984)