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Business & Bankruptcy Law Journal

Publisher: Texas Tech University School of Law
Publication Website: http://ttubblj.org/
Coverage: Vols. 1-6 (2014-2019) All Published

Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The Business & Bankruptcy Law Journal (BBLJ) is Texas Tech's fourth student-operated legal publication. Focusing on furthering legal scholarship, the BBLJ offers students and practitioners the opportunity to engage in ongoing legal discussions concerning a wide variety of topics. Because the BBLJ was created in a time of dwindling paper publications and changing norms in legal scholarship, the BBLJ has elected to synthesize traditional academic scholarship with shorter, practitioner-focused articles. This blend allows our readers to stay abreast of cutting edge legal developments while keeping current with academic discussions in any given field.

Source: http://ttubblj.org/about-us/

6 (2019)
5 (2019)
4 (2016-2017)
3 (2015-2016)
2 (2014-2015)
1 (2014)