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Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice

Publisher: Yeshiva University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
Publication Website: https://cardozo.yu.edu/faculty-intellectual-life/journals/cardozo-journal-equal-rights-and-social-justice
Coverage: Vols. 1-30 (1993-2024) Title Varies: Vols. 1-11 (1993-2005) as Cardozo Women's Law Journal; Vols. 12-23 (2005-2017) as Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender

ISSN: 1074-5785
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: The Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice (formerly the Journal of Law and Gender) has been a pioneering publisher of social justice-related legal scholarship for over twenty years. The Journal has distinguished itself by publishing the first and most prestigious annotated legal bibliography on current gender issues in different areas of law. The Journal is currently ranked number 14 in the nation in the category of gender, women, and sexuality, and will now be expanding its range to include topics of race and diversity.

Source: https://cardozo.yu.edu/faculty-intellectual-life/journals/cardozo-journal-equal-rights-and-social-justice

30 (2023-2024)
29 (2022-2023)
28 (2021-2022)
27 (2020-2021)
26 (2019-2020)
25 (2018-2019)
24 (2017-2018)
23 (2016-2017)
22 (2015-2016)
21 (2014-2015)
20 (2013-2014)
19 (2012-2013)
18 (2011-2012)
17 (2010-2011)
16 (2009-2010)
15 (2008-2009)
14 (2007-2008)
13 (2006-2008)
12 (2005-2006)
11 (2004-2005)
10 (2003-2004)
9 (2002-2003)
8 (2001-2002)
7 (2000-2001)
6 (1999)
5 (1998)
4 (1997-1998)
3 (1996)
2 (1995)
1 (1993-1994)