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Communication and Democracy

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication Website: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rfsy20/current
Coverage: Vols. 1-52 (1962-2018) Title Varies: Vols. 1-8 (1961-1969) as Yearbook of the Committee on Freedom of Speech of the Speech Association of America; Vols. 9-46 (1969-2012) as Free Speech Yearbook; Vols. 47-55 (2013-2021) as First Amendment Studies

Indexing: Vols. 1-57 (1962-2023)
ISSN: 2168-9725
Frequency: 2
57 (2023) Indexing Only
56 (2022) Indexing Only
55 (2021) Indexing Only
54 (2020) Indexing Only
53 (2019) Indexing Only
52 (2018)
51 (2017)
50 (2016)
49 (2015)
48 (2014)
47 (2013)
46 (2012)
45 (2011)
44 (2010)
43 (2006-2009)
42 (2005)
41 (2004)
40 (2002-2003)
39 (2001)
38 (2000)
37 (1999)
36 (1998)
35 (1997)
34 (1996)
33 (1995)
32 (1994)
31 (1993)
30 (1992)
29 (1991)
28 (1990)
27 (1989)
26 (1987)
25 (1986)
24 (1985)
23 (1984)
22 (1983)
21 (1982)
20 (1981)
19 (1980)
18 (1979)
17 (1978)
16 (1977)
15 (1976)
14 (1975)
13 (1974)
12 (1973)
11 (1972)
10 (1971)
9 (1970)
8 (1969)
7 (1968)
6 (1967)
5 (1966)
4 (1965)
3 (1964)
HeinOnline was unable to locate vol. 2 for digitization. If your library is in possession of this material and is willing to donate and/or lend to use for digitization, please contact us by phone: 1-800-277-6995 or email: holsupport@wshein.com
1 (1962)