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Competition Law International

Publisher: International Bar Association
Publication Website: https://www.ibanet.org/Publications/competition_law_international.aspx
Coverage: Vols. 1-18 (2005-2022)

Indexing: Vols. 1-19 (2005-2023)
ISSN: 1817-5708
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: Competition Law International is the journal of the Antitrust and Trade Law Section of the IBA. It provides an insight into international competition law issues with articles that are of practical interest. Published three times a year, the journal reaches 1,200 competition law practitioners worldwide. Recent articles have included:

* Competition and regulation in the energy sector in Europe in the post-sector inquiry era

* The United States Federal Trade Commission: continuity and challenges

* The new French competition law enforcement regime

* Antitrust in China - a constantly evolving subject

* The enforcement of the Japanese Anti-Monopoly Act in regulated sectors

Source: http://www.ibanet.org/Publications/publications_competition_law_international.aspx

19 (2023) Indexing Only
18 (2022)
17 (2021)
16 (2020)
15 (2019)
14 (2018)
13 (2017)
12 (2016)
11 (2015)
10 (2014)
9 (2013)
8 (2012)
7 (2011)
6 (2010)
5 (2009)
4 (2008)
3 (2007)
2 (2006)
1 (2005)