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Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal

Publisher: Creighton University School of Law
Publication Website: https://dspace.creighton.edu/xmlui/handle/10504/34368
Coverage: Vols. 1-12 (2011-2022)

Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal (CICLJ) is an upcoming legal journal specializing in international law. CICLJ was founded in 2010, and will publish its first edition in the spring of 2011. CICLJ will cover a broad array of international law issues in an innovative publishing format.

CICLJ will publish articles, perspectives and commentary from academics, legal practitioners, and Creighton University students. It will serve as a forum for debate and exploration within the area of international law. For its student members, CICLJ will also serve to refine their research skills, polish their critical thinking, and establish their ability to create a well-researched article.

Source: https://dspace.creighton.edu/xmlui/handle/10504/34368

12 (2022)
11 (2019)
10 (2019)
9 (2017-2018)
8 (2016-2017)
7 (2016)
6 (2015)
5 (2013-2014)
4 (2013)
3 (2012)
2 (2011-2012)
1 (2011)