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East European Yearbook on Human Rights

Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Publication Website: https://www.elevenjournals.com/tijdschrift/eeyhr/detail
Coverage: 2018-2021

ISSN: 2589-7764
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: The East European Yearbook on Human Rights is a new peer-reviewed legal journal, focusing on the human rights discourse in Eastern Europe, and positioning this in the broader context of worldwide problems and developments in the area of human rights. Eastern European states have all undergone a transition from state socialism to liberal democracy. While the problems of transition vary from country to country, there are also joint concerns. The journal provides a platform to share both common and disparate experiences in relation to human rights. The journal is a valuable source of insight for scholars conducting research into other transitional situations. Though some aspects of the Eastern European transition are unique to the region, other aspects of transitions are universal.

2021 (2021)
2020 (2020)
2019 (2019)
2018 (2018)