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European Law Reports

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication Website: http://www.hartjournals.co.uk/eulr/index.html
Coverage: Vols. 1-16 (1997-2012) All Published

ISSN: 1091-3297
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: The European Law Reports report the most important judgments involving issues of European Union law decided by national courts and tribunals in the UK and Ireland. These cases represent a crucial body of law in a wide range of commercial and public law matters, which no one practising in any field where EU law arises can afford to be without. It is particularly strong in competition cases.

The majority of cases reported in the European Law Reports are not reported elsewhere and are regularly cited in judgments of the higher courts.

In a fully developed EU legal system, many of the most important cases will be decided by the national courts, with only exceptional cases being referred to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. Already the extensive case law of the Court of Justice provides sufficient information to enable national courts to decide for themselves with a high degree of confidence many cases without the need for a reference. This tendency, which grows as the confidence and experience of the judiciary increases, will be further enhanced as the reporting of EU law cases in the national courts improves.

Source: http://www.hartjournals.co.uk/eulr/index.html

16 (2012)
15 (2011)
14 (2010)
13 (2009)
12 (2008)
11 (2007)
10 (2006)
9 (2005)
8 (2004)
7 (2003)
6 (2002)
5 (2001)
4 (2000)
3 (1999)
2 (1998)
1 (1997)