First Amendment Law Review
Publisher: University of North Carolina School of Law
Publication Website:
Coverage: Vols. 1-22 (2003-2024)
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: The First Amendment Law Review (FALR) is a student-edited legal journal that seeks to promote and protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution through publishing scholarly writings on, and promoting discussion of, issues related to the First Amendment.
22 (2023-2024)21 (2023)
20 (2022)
19 (2020-2021)
18 (2019-2020)
17 (2018-2019)
16 (2017-2018)
15 (2016-2017)
14 (2015-2016)
13 (2014-2015)
12 (2013-2014)
11 (2012-2013)
10 (2011-2012)
9 (2010-2011)
8 (2009-2010)
7 (2008-2009)
6 (2007-2008)
5 (2006-2007)
4 (2005-2006)
3 (2004-2005)
2 (2003-2004)
1 (2003)