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Publisher: Springer Nature B.V.
Publication Website: https://genus.springeropen.com/
Coverage: Vols. 72-80 Article 2 (2016-2024)

ISSN: 2035-5556
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: GENUS is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of population sciences. Founded in 1934 by Corrado Gini, GENUS is among the oldest demography journals in Europe. GENUS publishes articles on topics that include, but are not limited to: family and fertility; ageing; health and mortality; migration and mobility; formal demography; historical demography; relations between population dynamics and biological, environmental, economic, and social change.

80 Articles 1-2 (2024)
79 (2023)
78 (2022)
77 (2021)
76 (2020)
75 (2019)
74 (2018)
73 (2017)
72 (2016)