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Global Labour Rights Reporter

Publisher: ILAW Network
Publication Website: https://www.ilawnetwork.com/ilaw-network-journal-the-global-labour-rights-reporter/
Coverage: Vols. 1-3#1 (2021-2023)

ISSN: 2693-9657
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The International Lawyers Assisting Worker Network (ILAW Network) is excited to have published a new law journal - the Global Labour Rights Reporter. The journal is a forum primarily for labour and employment law practitioners globally, including our ILAW Network members, to grapple with the legal and practical issues that directly affect workers and their organizations today. We see the strength of our journal being its comparative approach, given the worldwide composition of the ILAW Network's membership: we currently have 650+ members from over 70 different countries. Each issue of the journal will be organized thematically and will highlight notable cases and judicial opinions, trends in the regulation of labour, and analytical pieces which help to envision how practitioners can expand the protection of law, enhance accountability and obtain full and effective remedies. The journal will run editions in English, Spanish and French.

3 #1 (2023)
2 #1 (2022)
1 (2021)