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Human Rights Defender

Publisher: University of New South Wales
Publication Website: https://humanrights.unsw.edu.au/publications
Coverage: Vols. 1-30 (1992-2021) All Published

ISSN: 1039-2637
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: The Human Rights Defender is a human rights magazine published by the AHRCentre featuring articles, commentary, art and photographs across a broad range of contemporary human rights issues. It provides a forum for the expression of critical thinking and discussion of conceptual developments in human rights.

Source: https://humanrights.unsw.edu.au/publications

30 (2021)
29 (2020)
28 (2019)
27 (2018)
26 (2017)
25 (2016)
24 (2015)
23 (2014)
22 (2013)
21 (2012)
20 (2011)
19 (2010)
18 (2009)
17 (2008)
16 (2007)
15 (2006)
14 (2005)
13 (2004)
12 (2003)
11 (2002)
10 (2001)
9 (2000)
8 (1999)
7 (1998)
5/6 (1996-1997)
5 (1996)
4 (1995)
3 (1994)
2 (1993)
1 (1992)