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INVEST Journal of Sharia & Economic Law

Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
Publication Website: https://jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/invest/issue/archive
Coverage: Vols. 1-4#1 (2021-2024)

ISSN: 2776-4982 (Print); 2776-4354 (Online)
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: Invest, within the framework of the Islamization of knowledge, offers scientific articles, research reports, reviews, and commentaries in Muamalah studies, aligning economic transactions and interactions with Islamic law, specifically in the fields of Muamalah studies, Islamic law, Islamic philanthropy, Maqhasid Sharia, Halal industry and services, Islamic Economics, Islamic Capital Markets, and Fintech. Its audience includes academics and practitioners in these areas. The journal is peer-reviewed, with a double-blind review process involving at least two expert reviewers.

4 #1 (2024)
3 (2023)
2 (2022)
1 (2021)