Indigenous Law Bulletin
Publisher: University of New South Wales
Publication Website:
Coverage: Vols. 1-8 (1981-2017) Title Varies: Vols. 1-3 (1981-1997) as Aboriginal Law Bulletin
ISSN: 1328-5475
Frequency: 30
Additional Information: The ILB is a leading journal for accessible, accurate and timely information about Australia's Indigenous peoples and the law. A valuable resource to legal practitioners, advocates, policy-makers and researchers, our content covers emerging legislation, policy, case law, international developments as well as grass-root activism and the work of Indigenous communities and organisations. Some of the issues covered by the ILB are: native title sovereignty corrections and imprisonment land rights stolen generations criminal justice treaties discrimination human rights intellectual property cultural and heritage issues biodiversity and biopiracy international and comparative law
A major aim of the ILB is to provide avenues for Indigenous people to inform debate on contemporary legal issues. It also provides a public forum for continuing dialogue on the legal and social injustices Indigenous peoples face in pursuit of the full realisation of their rights in Australia and throughout the world.
8 (2012-2017)7 (2007-2012)
6 (2004-2007)
5 (2000-2004)
4 (1997-2000)
3 (1993-1997)
2 (1988-1993)
1 (1981-1988)