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Journal of International Legal Communication (JILC)

Publisher: University of Warsaw
Publication Website: http://jilc.uw.edu.pl/
Coverage: Vols. 1-11 (2021-2023)

ISSN: 2720-1643
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: The Journal of International Legal Communication (JILC) is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal that publishes original research and review articles by authors from around the world on a wide range of contemporary issues on legal communication, including law, linguistics, foreign languages and literature, education, sociology, psychology, political studies, business management, administrative services and economics The mission of the JILC is to connect law, language and communication over all scientific, geographical, political and social divisions. The journal presents the methodological and empirical research of scientists from different countries and reflects a variety of scientific schools and topics concerning an interdisciplinary approach to legal communication.

11 (2023)
10 (2023)
9 (2023)
8 (2023)
7 (2022)
6 (2022)
5 (2022)
4 (2022)
3 (2021)
2 (2021)
1 (2021)