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Journal of Law & Politics

Publisher: University of Virginia School of Law
Publication Website: http://www.law.virginia.edu/html/academics/academicjournals.htm
Coverage: Vols. 1-38#2 (1983-2023)

ISSN: 0749-2227
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: Under the guidance of Justice Scalia, the Journal of Law & Politics, an entirely student-run publication at the University of Virginia School of Law, was founded in 1982 to provide a forum through which to analyze, discuss and debate the role of law in the political process and the role of politics in the legal system. Over the past quarter-century, the Journal has stayed faithful to its original mission and today remains the only non-partisan publication devoted exclusively to examining the interaction between law and politics.


38 #1-2 (2023)
37 (2021-2022)
36 (2021)
35 (2019)
34 (2018-2019)
33 (2017)
32 (2016-2017)
31 (2015-2016)
30 (2014-2015)
29 (2013-2014)
28 (2012-2013)
27 (2011-2012)
26 (2010-2011)
25 (2009)
24 (2008)
23 (2007)
22 (2006)
21 (2005)
20 (2004)
19 (2003)
18 (2002)
17 (2001)
16 (2000)
15 (1999)
14 (1998)
13 (1997)
12 (1996)
11 (1995)
10 (1993-1994)
9 (1992-1993)
8 (1991-1992)
7 (1990-1991)
6 (1989-1990)
5 (1988-1989)
4 (1987-1988)
3 (1986-1987)
2 (1985)
1 (1983-1984)