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Journal of Migration and Refugee Issues

Publisher: Sandstone Academic Press
Publication Website: http://search.informit.com.au/browseJournalTitle;res=IELHSS;issn=1832-0643
Coverage: Vols. 1-5 (2005-2009) All Published

ISSN: 1832-0643
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: The Journal of Migration and Refugee Issues is a refereed journal focusing on legal and policy issues underpinning the movement of people across national borders. It accepts articles on a wide range of issues, including:

* International migration patterns;

* Changing migration trends and the rights of non-citizens;

* Refugees and internally displaced people;

* Government and civil responses to refugee flows;

* Determination and assessment of refugee status;

* Comparative migration and refugee law;

* The history of migration and refugee law; and

* Citizenship and statelessness.

5 (2009)
4 (2008)
3 (2007)
2 (2006)
1 (2005-2006)