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Journal of Personal Data Protection Law

Publisher: Department of International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development (of the Parliament of Georgia)
Publication Website: https://journal.pdps.ge/?leng=eng
Coverage: Vol. 1#1 (2023)

ISSN: 2720-8745 (Print); 2720-8761 (Online)
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: "Journal of Personal Data Protection Law" is a bilingual, international scientific publication of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia. Its establishment marks the fourth anniversary of the adoption of the EU "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR). The Journal's primary focus is conducting the comparative legal discourse on public law and creating the scholarly forum for researchers. The Journal publishes scientific papers in the field of fundamental human rights and freedoms, especially in the area of personal data protection law and aims to provide the legal analysis of pressing issues, to highlight the best practices and raise public awareness.

1 #1 (2023)