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Journal of Technology Law & Policy

Publisher: University of Florida Levin College of Law
Publication Website: https://www.journaloftechlaw.org/
Coverage: Vols. 1-28 (1996-2023)

ISSN: 1087-6995
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: The Journal of Technology Law & Policy (JTLP) is a scholarly legal journal, published twice per year, devoted to the discussion of relevant technology issues, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, antitrust, information privacy, and computer law.

The JTLP is one of four co-curricular journals produced at the University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law. The JTLP was one of the nation's first law journals devoted to discussion and analysis of the legal implications of technology. International in both focus and readership, the hardbound version of the JTLP is subscribed to throughout the United States by public and private law libraries, and by leading institutions in Europe, Israel, and South America. In addition, the online version of the JTLP is read and hyperlinked by universities and institutions in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

Since its founding in the Fall of 1995, the JTLP has steadily become one of the foremost national intellectual property and technology law academic publications. The JTLP began as a project of the Internet and Computer Law Association, a University of Florida student organization, until it became a fully accredited independent academic journal in Spring 1999.

28 (2023)
27 (2022)
26 (2021)
25 (2020)
24 (2019-2020)
23 (2018-2019)
22 (2017-2018)
21 (2016-2017)
20 (2015)
19 (2014)
18 (2013)
17 (2012)
16 (2011)
15 (2010)
14 (2009)
13 (2008)
12 (2007)
11 (2006)
10 (2005)
9 (2004)
8 (2003)
7 (2002)
6 (2001)
5 (2000)
4 (1999)
3 (1997-1998)
2 (1996)
1 (1996)