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Journal of Transportation Security

Publisher: Springer Nature B.V.
Publication Website: https://www.springer.com/journal/12198
Coverage: Vols. 1-15 (2008-2022)

Indexing: Vols. 1-17 Article 3 (2008-2024)
ISSN: 1938-7741
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: The mission of the Journal of Transportation Security is to disseminate new research, thought, and analysis for teachers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners who view transportation security as a critical element of our world. Over the past two decades ongoing attacks by criminals and terrorists have altered the ways that transportation security is viewed by governments and industry. Protecting the physical infrastructure of transport systems along with cargo, passengers, and personnel is now held as both a national security priority and an organizational necessity.

17 Articles 1-3 (2024) Indexing Only
16 (2023) Indexing Only
15 (2022)
14 (2021)
13 (2020)
12 (2019)
11 (2018)
10 (2017)
9 (2016)
8 (2015)
7 (2014)
6 (2013)
5 (2012)
4 (2011)
3 (2010)
2 (2009)
1 (2008)